



Name :: Avery
Pronunciation :: A-veh-ree 
Nicknames :: Avi
Age :: 23
Species :: Kalon
Sex :: --
Gender :: Agender
Pronouns :: They/Them
Orientation :: Pansexual

Mate :: My Rufus Mallow
Offspring :: N/A
Parents :: Tealea's Parker and Sharkie's Tone
Siblings :: Sharkie's Alette and Tealea 's Nemo


As Avi has grown, they find it hard to shake childish habits. While they are still friendly with most, they have a better sense of who's a baddie and who's good. When it comes to talking, they still share a bit too much, and are rather talkative. Especially when they get nervous, they babble quite a bit about random things.
When it comes to relationships, Avi is still very social, enjoying the bar scene and the company of random Kalons. They like meeting new folks and learning who they are. Some people think they pry into other's life, but they are simply curious and trying to be friendly. However, when it comes to romantic relationships, Avi stil clings to bad habits. Avi tends to go in and out of relationships rather quickly, enjoying giving and getting attention. But now, there is a yern in them. A need for something more than a shallow one night stand. They are beginning to want a partner- a best friend to come home to at night. They just have the feeling that when the special Kal comes along, their single life will be all over. But... that's not exactly a bad thing.

Physical qualities

Avi has the body of an Eupleridae and the nose of a lamb. Their dark blue hair is tousled and tipped in fuchsia like their eyes. Their pelt is a light blue to dark blue gradient with waves through the blue. The white in their fur goes from their chin to their throat and stomach. Their elbows to their hands and knees to feet are all white. It all ends at their fluffy curled tail has a shine of fuchsia iridescent material.

Powers, abilities and skills

Avi has no magical abilities.

Fun Facts

•Avery has sticky notes stuck around random areas of their room because their head is moving much faster than their mouth can keep up, and they often forget things.
•Avery is not a good swimmer. They love the water, and they love feeling weightless, they just simply don't have enough fat content to stay afloat.
•Given the choice, Avery prefers Fruits > Veggies > Chicken > Beef > Fish > Pork. They would become Vegetarian if they had the willpower, but they very rarely ever eat anything past beef. Chicken is their preferred meat.
•Believe it or not, Avery is very vocal about their beliefs.
•Whenever they have a chance, they will stand against Bullying, Animal cruelty, child abuse and more. They are very passionate about humanitarian efforts.
•Avery is actually really scared of ducks, because any time they go to their local pond to feed them, they swarm small children. They attempted to feed one once with her hand and the duck quickly learned that's where the food came from, and the ducks would have to come to Avery if they wanted bread. That's just what they did, and Avi was surrounded by honking ducks!
•Certain perfume or cologne smells burn their nose and give them a headache.


-- owned by -- :: Friend/Enemy/Rival
"Word word word"

Designed by Tealea as a Nursery Batch then put UFA. I won them here