Zero's Comments

Looks like he finally got a home!

Hello! Is this character available for offer?

If so, I’ll gladly offer someone in my TH

I appreciate that, but he is on a hold for now. I will let you know if this changes

Okay! Thanks:)

By any chance could you let me know once this character goes up for offers? It's okay if not though!

I noticed that the folder desc stated offers could be made but I wanted to be sure just in case! >___

Sure thing!

And you’re free to offer now if you’d like! 

Ah! Okay, is there anything in specific you're looking for?

You can also take a look in my toyhouse in case you see anyone there that might interest you in exchange! ^__^

I am currently interested in these characters!

While Torpedo isn’t currently up for offers, if/when that changes, these would be the characters you currently have that I’m interested in trading him for if I don’t decide to resell him!

[ Provided you still have one from the above list ] 

[ Only one would be needed for the trade, not multiple or all of the above listed ] 

[  The list may be subject to change if / when the time comes that they are are put up for offers ] 

Ah! Alrighty!

I could definitely do one from the list above, just let me know! ^__^

I'll keep an eye out and will let you know if any are traded off if that time arrives!

Will do! Thank you!

Hi there! Are you still interested in this character?

Hihi!! I still am!

However I currently don't have funds, so I'd only be able to offer other, such as characters, art, etc.

If you'd be interested of course!

I would if no one else comes along to offer the price since money is the priority right now!

How much is 3D’s worth?

Alright! I understand ^^ Just let me know!

I'm unfortunately not sure of an exact price for 3D, as when I received them they didn't have a listed price

Okay! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll try to look into it!

2 Replies

Hi there!
this character is currently for sale for 130$ if you’re still interested! 

Ooohh, I like how this guy looks!

Thank you very much! 

Just so we're on the same page, are they actually on sale, or is that just a remnant of the fact you got them from someone else?

I am currently looking at offers for him ^^ 

Oh, I'd be interested in getting them for $30-35, but that's up to you!

Thank you for your offer! I will definitely consider it, but I’m still looking at the other offers that are coming my way as well ^^ 

4 Replies

Hi there!
this character is currently for sale for 130$ if you’re still interested! 

2 Replies