

"Shine, shine, looove!"

  Age: 21

  Pronouns: They/her

  Gender: Nonbinary

  Species: Space parfait

  Nationality: E'rriyan




-Alien Fruit yogurt (purple)

-Alien Fruit Curds (deep violet)

-Whipped cream

-Star sprinkles

-Edible glitter

-Choco gradient mermaid's tail

-Pink spoon


Starfait was created in an interstellar froyo cafe. She came to life from advanced technology that can animate anything inanimate. The purpose for object animation is usually to create a mascot for a business or official organization. Mascots, however, don't have any other purpose than representing an organization. The people of E'rriyus just thought it would be cool if their mascots were really real. After a while of being a mascot, Starfait got bored and decided she would explore the universe, soon finding Earth. The first language she learned on Earth was English, since it's one of the most commonly spoken languages on the planet. During her time in the United States, she was introduced to anime, which she decided to learn a bit of Japanese. Despite visiting Earth often, she still struggles in both languages and usually speaks in broken English, or broken Japanese when she isn't speaking in her native language.

Starfait loves making new friends, and is extremely sociable. Oftentimes, she forgets that E'rriyan social behaviorism don't translate well to Earthlings, so she tries to act the same as what she learned from watching anime.

Starfait's favorite anime is "Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions."