


3 years, 8 months ago


  • Asteri(WIP)

  • age 1000+ years old
  • gender N/A
  • race Wishmakers
  • Series


Info • Refs


Asteri is a wishmaker, assigned to Ruko to grant her wish. As a wishmaker, he doesn't have a definite gender but represents himselfs as a male.

He has an average build with an average height similar to a 14 year old. He has a silver-white hair with a yellow accent in the middle. His hair, eyes and several accessories in his bodies glows in the dark but can be turned off if desired.

"Make a wish!"

height 162cm

Birthday April 27

Pronouns He/him

Character # 29


  • Stars
  • Candles
  • Wishes
  • Night

Basic info

  • Can grant any wish
  • Ruko's "bff"
  • Likes to float
  • Hates spicy food

Story Summary

Wishmakers are considered miracles. They can grant any and every wish the person assigned to them asks for. Having a wishmaker assigned to a human is considered rare, as one needs to have pure intention and needs to meet several condirions before they are deemed worthy of being assigned one. Not only that, but the more people try to get assigned a wishmaker, the more they lose the chances of having one.

Asteri was one day assigned to a teenage girl, who claims that she doesn't need a wishmaker for she doesn't have a wish. Asteri explains that a wishmakeer won't be assigned to her if she has none, even if wishmakers already know the people's wishes beforehand, it needs to be said by the person themselves for the wishmakers to make it true. As Ruko keep insisting she doesn't have a wish, Asteri gets the idea that he'll stay by her side until she finally tells him.

Months passes and Asteri notices that Ruko seems to get worse day by day. Her problems starts to arise and could no longer hsndle the pressure of dealing with all of it alone. Tho he tries his best to provide support, Ruko states that it'll never be enough.

One day, Asteri asks her again, what her wish was. Ruko, stressed and distraught, mumbly said "I just want to be free". Asteri smiles softly, before cradling her close to him and whispered "Your wish has come true.". When Ruko wakes up, she noticed that a lot of her work is finished and she's finally out of her parent'shome. Confused, she looks for Asteri and noticed him floating in the ceiling. He goes down and hugs her filled with glee.

Ruko asks if Asteri needs to go now that he finally ggranted her wish, but he states that he doesn't need to go and he'll continue to stay by her side. When asked about the other people that'll be assigned to him, he responds that he can continue his job when Ruko is at school or sleeping. Every since then, they spend the rest of their time together.


(A/N This isn't a romantic relationship! They're both only close friends. Also, Asteri will outlive Ruko soon, so he gives her one of his stars so that when she passses away, her soul will still be with him until Ruko decides to finally go to the light.)
