DJ (Dakota Johnathan)



4 years, 8 days ago


~5’8 Cat

~1st High Class Shadow Demon

~35 overworld age/millions of years old demon years 


~controls fire

~very gay

~red roses is his type of comfort and sign

~horniest mf

~Demon Prince (obviously he’s on the rich side)

~likes to drink when they feel like it

~actually secretly jealous about certain things

~has a cocky and sarcastic attitude but he also secretly has a bit of a clingy side especially while he’s drunk

~loves birds he owns a blue,black, and white patterned parakeet named Ori

~his chest is the most sensitive part of his body

~loves fancy or tight clothing ;)

~his back has two big scars from when he used to have wings but they were forcefully ripped out when he was a kid

~blind on his right eye so he has prosthetic one, he’s actually a bit embarrassed about it and will only show it to people he’s close to

~actually pretty smart but he tends to do stupid things anyways for fun

~He extremely rarely blushes or cries in front of people because he hates that it looks weak

~really hates any type of amphibians

~has 2 step brothers (Damien(oldest) & Jeremy(second oldest) both dogs) which makes him the youngest and shortest of the two

~Their best friend is Fuyu (she’s an angel bunny) they both grew up together and always kept that bond even if they have arguments, their like a big brother to her along his step brothers and protects her at all costs from his own kind

~the type to literally sleep a lot even standing up when he wants to (basically the only way to concentrate his core of his soul)

~He has a niece and nephew from one of his good friends, him and Damien are the cool type uncles and Jeremy tries to put more of a good influence then they can

~very protective for his loved ones

//some of this info may not be official but most of it is//