Akane Shinzo



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Akane Shinzo


22 (currently)





Relationship Status


Sexual Orientation

Straight (Questionable)




Personality (As a child): As a young girl, Enzeru was once very cheerful and curious. She was caring and overly polite to her elders and strangers. Around Tyki and the Earl, she was also very shy and nervous, often times she would excuse herself. She loved playing games with Road and Tyki. 

Personality (As an Exorcist): After she joined the Order and had many of her memories repressed, her personality changed completely. She became cold and uncaring of others and grew to have a great hatred for the Order. She is ruthless when she fights Akuma as well as her attitude towards others. The few exceptions would be Tyki, the group of hobos, Road, Lenalee, Komui (to a point), and Kanda and later Allen. Her old personality starts to shine through once she is reunited with Road and her relationship with Tyki grows.


Occupation (General Exorcist): Enzeru was forced to become an Exorcist at a very young age with a special type of Innocence that was considered to be both an equipment type and parasitic type. At the age of 19, The Grand Generals promoted her to General status even though she had not reached critical level. She was tasked with missions from both Komui and Central. Enzeru however, refused collect other Innocence fragments to find new Exorcists.  


Innocence: Enzeru’s Innocence is a strange mix of an Equipment Type and Parasitic Type, as it takes on the form of a katana -- named Kage -- but uses her body as a sheath. Enzeru has a unique Innocence that has been referred as to the ‘Corrupted Innocence,’ due its ability to control shadows.  Many believe that while it uses darker means than other Innocence, it still purifies Akuma, and thus could be the ‘Heart.’ Some wonder if this is true or not if the ‘Heart’ could be corrupted just like a human’s heart. Enzeru’s Innocence later tries to destroy her Noah side as she was in the changing processes, thus slowly and painfully killing her as well. The Innocence was later destroyed by Tyki in order to prevent Enzeru’s death.


Other Information:

Tyki Mikk had fallen in love with Enzeru when they were still children, and was able to help convince the Earl to allow her to be part of the Noah Family even if she did not have the Noah gene.

Enzeru was placed under General Tiedoll to be trained as an Exorcist along with Noise Marie, Daiysha Berry, and Kanda Yuu. Tiedoll had a habit of referring to Enzeru as his daughter, much to her annoyance. He did however, teach her to draw during her free time.

General Cross taught Enzeru how to create golems using ancient magic, though never explained how he was able to. She discovered that she was able to use her shadows along with the magic to create living golems that could take on humanoid shapes.