

7 years, 3 months ago


Full name - CHRONOS-AXI
Age - Unknown (believed to be approx 1100 years old)
Likes - numbers, stars, peace, quiet
Dislikes - shouting/loud noises, too much light, war
Bio - Little concrete fact is known about the being known as Chronos-A11 (interchangeably called Chronos, Eleven, or A11). A relic of a forgotten time, when experimentation on humans was just beginning, Chronos is the last of her kind. Scientists have long stopped experimenting on her, having found better and more efficient ways of creating android bodies. She lives in isolation and does not react well to any interlopers, and nobody has heard her voice in over 600 years. It is unknown whether or not she still retains the power of speech. Before experimentation, Chronos was a frail young girl who developed cancer as a toddler. Her parents were approached with an offer that could save her life, with much information that was omitted, and they signed over their child to the scientists. The scientists told the parents that Chronos had died in during one of the surgeries and nobody thought to question it. Secretly, they continued to perform tests and alterations on her until all that remained of her real body was her memories and personality. Everything else was replaced with mechanics, nothing about Chronos' current form is organic.