Myrrha Araa's Comments

first of all, i'd like to say that you'r bios are very very detailed and laid out nicely! Kudos on that!

I love her sense of adventure; being cooped up in a palace is no fun at all but the fact that she snuck out to feed the poor made me love this girl immediately.  That is such a pure and selfless act ;A; Even when she learned new skills she offered to help others with them she's such a good noodle

The idea of magical ability being genetic is interesting; i always viewed it as a skill anyone could harness but that doesn't seem to be the case here O: her children are very lucky!
I like how she just... annoyed that man into teaching her how to fight. Its very indearing and relatable lmao and its commendable that she fight beside her own people in war.  Thats the signs of a good leader, in my mind.

Also her design is really cute and warm looking; the fluff on her dress is A+ 

I kinda like the bios this way myself. They remind me of the way character wikis organize their info for popular series, and I've always liked that type of layout.

Myrrha is that kind of person. She's got a curious personality, but can't resist helping others. She's almost too selfless, and it gets her into trouble down the road.

Magic is a fairly complicated topic when it comes to the series she's from hehe. ^_^;; Her children also ended up specializing in different types. 

Her design is one of my personal favorites among all my characters. Super warm and fluffy indeed. ;w;/