Mitsuaki Tatakai (Toast)



3 years, 7 months ago


An enthusiastic guy who loves to fight. Doesn't understand that others might not like fighting as much as he does though. Will fight you. Coming at you bro.

Can you feel it- the fire in your heart, your blood thirsting for the thrum of battle? Feet pounding the earth, heart pulsing, the give and take between you and your opponent-!?

This is what Mitsu lives for.

He carved out a name for himself as the biggest battle enthusiast this side of Treatropolis, and gained his fair share of challengers and visitors eager to train under his wing. He met his end when a group of stygian took a weakened friend hostage and ganged up on him far from his castle, the center of his power, during the war. Of course he was able to take a few of them out before the Sun shattered, but it wasn't enough. Now, with the Sun and his true form restored, he's back and ready to rumble with the best of them once again!

While he enjoys the thrill of battle, he takes honor on the field seriously. He doesn't believe in denegrating your opponent and instead will hype up and encourage them. "Not bad! Your technique just needs a little work!"

He's most proficient with halberds and polearms, but is also skilled in hand to hand combat.

His castle is a large tournament arena with an accompanying dojo. 

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