4. Rudolf Spritzinger



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Rudolf Spritzinger




August 19th


1/4 Dragon, 3/4 human

Hair Color:


Eye Color:



L i k e s :
-Dragons, mythical creatures
-Pranks and Jokes
-Street brawls
-Wild, untameable animals
-Adventurous journeys 
-Having fun

D i s l i k e s :
-Sweet, romantic girl crap (He says: C’mon! Let’s go for an adventure of the lifetime! Ditch those crushes!)
-The cheesy happily ever after stories (He likes those happy endings in adventure and horror movies/stories though)

P e r s o n a l i t y :
Rudolf loves playing pranks and is quite the jokester. He likes to make people laugh, but can sometimes scare them off when he laughs too hard (because when he laughs too hard, he loses control and fire will accidentally escape out of his mouth) and also when his pranks get a little over the top and becomes a bit dangerous and too extreme.
He can care less about what people thought of him, but takes pleasure when people find him funny. The thought of love never crossed his mind, and probably won’t ever do so, unless someone introduces him to the world of romance…? (Heh)
He never experienced pain or hardship, so he can’t understand why people get hurt the way they do. He’s quite the innocent guy, who needs to grow up and mature, but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon. He just loves his pranks too much to give them up. It’s probably due to him being part dragon (explained in history).
When he sees a street fight/brawl going on, he’ll immediately be there, wanting to join in on the fracas, and leaving with a bloody nose, but always laughing no matter how many bones he broke.

H i s t o r y : 
Rudolf has been alone ever since he can remember (which was around the age of 4), no parents, but he wasn't the typical cry-baby-wah-wah guy.
It all started when he woke up one day behind some garbage bags in a junkyard and couldn't remember what had happened to him before he ended up behind those garbage bags.
He was 4 years old when this happened.
Since he has no memories of when he was 3 and under, Rudolf’s come to the conclusion that something extremely horrid had happened to him during those years, that made him want to forget about it—that made him have amnesia (aka loss of memory).
He was a smart 4-year-old.
Rudolf then ventured out of the junkyard and into town where he met a couple of homeless kids (ages ranged 7-14) who quickly noticed his bright red hair (for they had never seen hair as bright and as red as his) and invited him to join their group.
He accepted.
They taught him how to pickpocket and steal quickly and quietly from little shops out on the streets.
Rudolf found out about his passion for pranks when he saw a little homeless boy pranking a homeless girl by tying the laces of her shoes together without her noticing.
Not the best prank, but it got him started.
Rudolf then began inventing new pranks, trying to perfect the previous one he did each time.
The new homeless ‘friends’ that he made then left him alone because Rudolf’s pranks were a little too much for them, and each one of them were scared that he might target them for the next prank (though now and then some would go up and share a joke with him or just chat about the day).
Rudolf would spend his days alone by a pond or in the town’s forest by himself picking neat-looking stones and sticks that were able to be used for another prank and laughing at nothing (for he loves to laugh), but he didn't mind. He loved how free his lifestyle was no matter how alone he was. But even though he was mostly always alone, he never felt that heart-breaking loneliness that people feel when their feeling lonely—in fact he didn't feel anything at all. It was just normal for him; it didn't have any effect being alone or not. Yes, he was indeed a strange one.
There were usually street brawls that took place behind the buildings every Thursday night, which he would regularly attend and also join. He found it fun and would laugh every time he got hit, or struck a hit on someone. It was pure joy and fun for him to fight with his fists, and just be a bloody mess. It was almost as fun to him as pranks, or maybe sometimes…even more fun. Most of the time, Rudolf would win the brawl, but when he was up against someone 4+ years older than him, a 4-year old obviously doesn't stand a chance.
Rudolf was content with the way he lived, but always felt something missing. But didn't care enough to search out whatever it was. He had a pretty careless attitude, but he was 4. What do 4-year-olds even think about? Playtime? Well in a sense Rudolf was like a typical 4-year-old (his little pranks) but then again, he was not. Everybody who actually knew him could tell that Rudolf was NOT a regular kid.
He had the time of his life stealing from venders out on streets, and never wondered about parents or the love of a family. He simply didn't CARE.
You must be thinking, is it even possible for there to be such a person like that?
Well guess what?
He isn't even fully human!
He found out, at the age of 7 when he was laughing really hard (the type of hard, where you feel the need to pee) over some joke with a bunch of the homeless children who decided to tell him the latest joke, that he could breathe fire. When he laughs really hard, he loses control and the flames stream out of his lungs (also explained in ‘Personality’). Some scales even started popping out of nowhere on his skin, and freaked him out.
The homeless children ran away screaming, and then later on, the whole team of homeless children who ‘adopted’ him 3 years ago because of his bright red hair, cowardly came up to him and told him that he was a monster and kicked him out of their little group, and then they all ran away, thinking that Rudolf would get mad and blow his flames at them.
But Rudolf, again, did not care.
He shrugged his shoulders and walked to the forest where he looked for more stones and sticks he could use for pranks. And also ponder about what just happened to him. He had a short flashback of the junkyard he woke up at, a few years ago.
A mysterious wizard, called Spritzinger, was watching when Rudolf started accidentally breathing fire and later on came up to him while he was by the pond, and explained that a quarter of his blood was dragons blood. Which would also make clear as to why Rudolf never felt the need of love/or never felt lonely in his life the dragon part of him lets him overlook such emotions, and loved brawling/fighting and seeing blood (while fighting). Dragons go solo, and they’re fine with it, they also crave a battle mixed with blood between themselves now and then. Rudolf goes solo and he’s fine with it too. Not to mention he loves to ‘battle’—brawl.
From that day forward, he chose Spritzinger to be his last name, only because that was the name of the mysterious wizard who unveiled the truth to him.
The old wizard Spritzinger let Rudolf wander around, practicing his fire breathing skills for another month, then introduced Rudolf, to the Cirque Des Reves, thinking that Rudolf could make use of his dragon powers there.
Rudolf fit in, in no time (minus the pranks that got many people annoyed).
Rudolf wasn't good at anything until he tried shape shifting.
He then took a liking to the shape shifting abilities that his dragon powers probably enhanced.
He also learned new tricks with his own dragon abilities, such as just making fire appear in his hands, or come out of his ears or even his nose, making scales (the colour of blood) appear on his forearms and then make them disappear just as quickly as they appeared.
Though, he still has a lot to learn about his abilities, and how far he can go with it.
The Cirque des Reves are trying to help Rudolf find someone like him, quarter dragon, to teach him a bit more about what he can do, but they’re having no luck.
How a quarter of Rudolf’s blood was dragon’s blood, no one knows. Some thinks that the ages that Rudolf cannot remember (three years old and under) had been meddled with, and perhaps, Rudolf was just a tester locked up and tested on with needles, and all that Maximum Ride nonsense, then later on magically escaped when he was four years old.
Or maybe one of Rudolf’s ancestors really is a dragon. Rudolf’s goal is to uncover the truth…but he could care less.
I’m sure you understand by now that he doesn't care about things, and just wants to have fun with his pranks and newly-found dragon abilities.

Oh, not to mention, he’s invented quite a new series of (dangerous, I might say) pranks involving his new abilities.

M I S C:

In addition to choosing his last name, Spritzinger (explained in History), he chose his first name when he was wandering through town during Christmas Eve, and heard the song Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer playing. Took a liking to the name, and kept it.