


3 years, 9 months ago


Bio to be added ehe

'Works' at the library, but in truth she is just spending her time there helping out (sorting books, putting them back at place, helping others choosing new titles... pretty much everything a library worker would) and working on her book. She enjoys the creative worlds hidden in paper and since kid loved reading novels, hence why she decided to write something on her own. Problem being her lack of ideas and decisivness.

Although she's an open person and likes having fun spending time with others, she doesn't really have any friends. She meets many but everyone is but a temporary aquaintance until they move on and forget about her. Only person who still keeps more or less in contact with Ron is Felarei, who was her school friend many years ago. Although they had a bit of an age difference, they understood one another really well. Ron was five years older than him, but becuase she failed a bit too many times, she was just two classes above him. Both were hard to deal with in their own ways, because of which teachers didn't like them hanging out together. Felarei were the one who got in problems with other kids, while Ron would get in problems with the teachers and school staff (ocassionally helping other students create problems). That said, in the eyes of other students, it seemed as if they had a teacher-student relatiosnhip, with Ron being seen in the role of a teacher. It wasn't baseless of course, since Ron might have failed many classes but it was from rebelious reasons, while in truth she was very knowledgable and many times helped Felarei with studies and understanding harderd for him topics.

Random thoughts: Likes banana with ananas smoothies, enjoys morning walks, ocassionaly plays pokemon-like games and hates black coffee but will drink milky one. She also takes her time before sleep to thoroughly groom her tail, and in the morning writes down her dreams in special notebook she prepared for that (Half becuase it's what her parents also did, and half in hope to get an idea for her novel out of them).