Noah Averett



4 years, 9 days ago


I will never go

Name Noah Averett
Age Fifteen (18 in AUs)
Alias None
Gender Male
Sexuality Demisexual
Pronouns He / Him
Job Photographer
Ethnicity GER-ENG

There's a way back home
  • 4'11" tall. 5'6" at 18.
  • Knee-length pastel pink hair.
  • Gold eyes with target shapes in them.
  • Left arm is a prosthetic
  • Has fangs like a cat.
  • Body is covered in scars.
Reference Here

After leaving his previous life as a member of Project Anima, Noah took an interest in photography. The male specializes in travel photography, aimed at taking pictures of various tourist spots around the world for travel agencies to use to convince people to go there. Noah's job involves a lot of travelling, which he enjoys the most as he truly feels free! The pictures he takes are beautiful and memorable, able to form a story by itself and capture people's attention. His crazy attention to detail only adds to the beauty of his pictures.

In contrast to his sister, Noah is a ray of sunshine. A smile is almost always present on his face and he is always trying to meet new people and make friends. Alongside his friendly and outgoing personality, Noah really enjoys a good spar. If he isn't taking photos, he's definitely trying to fight someone. The thrill of battle is just too good to pass up.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive passive

Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday

Noah is a very good fighter and prefers melee. More than weapons, he likes just straight up using his fists. The longer he fights, the stronger he gets! But there downsides to that.

His sunny disposition makes it pretty easy for people to relax and let their guards down around him.

Super high pain tolerance, but not as high as his sister's.

Has a lot of survival knowledge. Drop him in the middle of nowhere and he could still survive off everything he knows.


The longer he fights, the more he starts to lose control. There can come a point where he won't be able to separate friend from foe.

He's pretty dumb and really gullible. It's a miracle he hasn't been scammed yet.

Not the most resilient guy. He takes a lot of things to heart and takes a long time to recover from it.

It's impossible to take a photo of Noah. Something will always go wrong.


Much like his sister, Noah's past is shrouded in mystery. His life before being adopted by the Averett family is a story that only he knows and he's not very willing to get into it unless he trusts the person asking.

All one needs to know is that Noah is a member of the incredibly famous Averett family. His mother is a top fashion model in the UK and his father is a well respected fashion designer. His older brother is set to inherit his father's business, and it is clear that he's just as passionate about fashion.

It's pretty crazy to think about how someone like Noah ended up in a family like the Averetts.


  • Noah seems to have a hard time hearing others at times.
  • Much like his sister, he doesn't like being touched unless it's by a trusted person.
  • Noah has a massive postcard and country magnet collection from his travels.
  • He's never cut his hair and he doesn't intend to.
  • While he prefers taking photos of the environment, he likes taking photos of the people he likes.
  • His birthday is on the 1st of September.

May all the beauty be blessed
CV Rie Kugimiya
Alignment Neutral Good
Sin Envy
Virtue Humility

Designer YUMElRO


Niomi is Noah's older twin sister.

The two are incredibly close and Noah is equally protective of her. It seems he also tends to get a little jealous of other people being around her.

'Older brother'

Cain is Noah's adoptive older brother.

Out of the family, Cain is probably the one Noah is closest with. The two travel together frequently for Noah to take pictures.


Who knew Noah would end up dating a prince?

Noah loves Xavier and tends to be a little clingy sometimes. He was the one to confess to the prince first and it was the best decision of his life.

'Good Friend'

A good friend of Noah's!!

Noah enjoys Skye's company a lot and is glad to have him as a friend. He's kind of like Cain...