Basic Info


won it in a tryout










Kira has an obsession with cataloguing. So much so that she'll catalogue just about anything; from her favourite books to the pebbles on the river bed and even all the people she meets.However this is often much to peoples displeasure, learning from experience she soon realised that most people don't like being put in catalogues and would rather think of themselves as individuals. In the past she used to feel very insecure about this and would try to restrain her habit as much as possible only occasionally making notes in a secret journal when she was extremely stressed to put her mind at ease. However one day, her ex-crush found the journal and was so utterly disgusted by it that he started a flood of rumours about her being a control freak and a stalker. In the end she had no choice but to embrace it (not to say it was a sudden change) and the experience has shaped her into the person she appears to be today. A pessimistic and snarky gal who's not afraid to throw in a snide comment. Little do most people know is that deep down she's just a big softies who's scared of getting hurt. For the few people who are close to her she's fiercely loyal and very caring too, not to say she won't ever provide a bit of friendly teasing.
Her second biggest passion is reading and she spends most of her alone time at her local library were she's either sorting out books or searching for a new story to escape into. She's also part of a book club which she was very reluctant to join at first but after much convincing has found herself thoroughly enjoying the meet ups and it is how she managed to stumble upon most of her current friends. It seems she can't help but to let down her facade when she's talking about her favourite novels.