Kento's Comments

omggg///cries a bit you bought him??//I was stalking him as he floated around in the forums *7*
tfw I wanted to ask whoever gets him to ship w/ me . . .but same name would be awk//CHOKES
but would you maybe like to put him with my Eiji into some sort of relation??

OMG were you??? I never visited the forums but today I decided to take a peek hoping to get a Lineheart and then I saw him and immediately pounced on him ;;;;; //WHEEZES OH GOSH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY HAD THE SAME NAME PFFFT--- To be honest the name literally just came out of no where, but I have no problem changing it because I was debating between this and another name LOL It was between Eiji and Kento but I think I'll go with Kento now //nods But oh yes, these two should definitely get to know each other somehow! Eiji's so preciouss * AA *

yASS AHAHA//CHOKES// I stalk it most of the time, when I need some character to fill my stories or something (I like to call it... Elly hunting for boys) LOLOLOL
oh man!! you rlly didn't have to change it asdhjk///I hope it didn't sound like I wanted you too?? But both names fit him, I feel your pain!!
Also, Bunni, Do let me know if you are interesting in shipping them maybe QvQ ?? <3333
Other than that we could make them be family(cousin or brothers or something) or just close/bestfriends maybe?? I feel bad always monopolizing your OC comments ahahha

Well there ain't nothing wrong with some hunting from time to time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LOL DON'T WORRY!! Like I said, I was already on the fence about his name but figured maybe I would get used to it?? But now that I think about it, I like Kento as his name much more * u * Omgg sure I'm fine with shipping them asdfghj <333 And now that I look at them, they do look like they'd make a nice couple * 0 * I should probably develop Kento more so we can make headcanons more properly~ ahaha it's all good your comments are always welcomed //pats gently

okkk///I say as I continue worrying tbh I can imagine Eiji just non stop saying "Ken" instead of ''Kento''. eheblushplz.png?1
(I ken also imagine the shit ton of puns you have to suffer from now too. GET IT KEN HAHA#kickmeoutpls)

& Ofc no worries!! We have time haha~ & I still need to write out Eiji's profile as well asddhjk ♥♥
Btw let me know if you want to add me on skype or discord or line ;7;/. Cuz I srsly feel bad for spamming you in comments or notes all the time LOLOL