Monarch Firefly




“Do not call me ‘Monarch,’ do not call me your ‘leader,’ or I will claw out your eyes and feed them to the larvae.”

Full Name: Monarch Firefly, Uniter of Two Kingdoms

Nickname(s): Flyby (Jinx), Baby Dragonfly (Thorax)

Species: Dragon-Changeling Hybrid

Gender: Agender (They/Them)

Sexuality: Aromantic-Asexual

Age: 21

Parents: Dragon Lord Ember and Monarch Thorax

Sibling(s): N/A

Partner: N/A

Personality: Strong, free-willed, ambitious, fearless (they can, and will, spit in the face of an Ursa Major without flinching), and independent (“I don’t need friends, they disappoint me”).

Fatal Flaws: Aggressive/violent and unpredictable, reckless, stubborn, refuses to join in on the weekly therapy circle ‘cuz “emotions are overrated” (i.e. doesn’t like venting her problems to anyone but a brick wall), and basically just a sliiightly nicer version of Gilda before she was “reformed.”

Special Talent: N/A

Cutie Mark Story: N/A

Base - SelenaEde: