Heather Lucille Montagnon (Felix/Heather)


Basic Info

Height Difference

Felix is nine 1/2 inches taller than Heather.


"If you'll be mine, then I will fight for you."

Felix and Heather met at the start of the school year, and she formed a crush on him almost immediately. She admired how blunt, confident, and strong he was. She tries her best to woo him to little avail for a couple months until he slowly starts opening up more and tolerating her presence more than he did initially. She enjoys chatting with him while he trains in the training hall, although the chats are typically one sided with her just talking his head off while he tries his best to focus on training. He quickly becomes the first person Heather will go to when in need of someone to talk to, especially after Heather and Eileen stop being friends.

Felix is extremely protective over Heather, especially on the battlefield; although, he does trust her to be strong enough to take care of herself. She enjoys doting on him and giving him jaw and cheek kisses whenever she's able to. Being nine inches taller, he enjoys using her head as an arm rest just to fluster her. The two have an equal give and take relationship and rely on the other heavily.