


3 years, 7 months ago




"Life's been so good to me, Has it been good to you?"


Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Philosopher, Leader, Innovator, Lover.

Pyrite Cnossos is a man of many talents. The CEO and Lead Engineer of Galatea Industries, a billion-dollar corporation specializing in robotics, Pyrite has single handedly turned his family's company from a minor player in the tech game to the bleeding edge of robotics and AI, along with a rebrand to a flashy, avant-garde style that makes them one of the most stylish and opulent brands in existence.

Galatea has greater goals beyond simple luxury consumer tech, instead leading the charge on groundbreaking research into consciousness transfer, making moves to creat a line of immortal robotic bodies that can sustain humanity forever, and of course, look good doing it.

When he's not planning a worldwide roboticization, Pyrite spends most of his days being an influencer CEO, flaunting his immense wealth and beauty.

  • NAMES Aurum Pyrite Cnossos
  • AGE 36
  • BIRTHDAY December 18th
  • HEIGHT 5'9"
  • SPECIES Caracal/Lynx
  • ORIENTATION ;3 (Male Pref)
  • GENDER Man(?)
  • OCCUPATION CEO, Influencer, Model
  • RESIDENCE Multinational
  • COLOUR Fool's Gold - #ffb709
  • CREATION DATE September 19th, 2020


  • Initially had a major burst of fame online after an extremely publicized sex tape leaked. He hasn't mentioned it since but doesn't seem to mind it being out there.
  • Was born with perhaps the worst eyesight possible. Had to wear enormously thick glasses for basically his entire childhood before switching to less useful but more attractive glasses in his teens, and then just replacing his eyes with synthetic ones later on.
  • Finds most cryptocurrency and cyberspace projects thoroughly stupid. Pyrite believes in physical experiences. Why would you want to live on the internet when theres a beautiful world out there that you can experience in a immortal synthetic body?




Donec accumsan, odio nec euismod tincidunt, eros erat consequat dolor, vel pellentesque mauris lectus vel lacus. Vivamus sodales, lorem eu venenatis placerat, metus erat pharetra dolor, at aliquet orci ante eget tortor. Praesent tincidunt cursus cursus. Nullam in odio metus. Sed rutrum dignissim diam et luctus. Duis pulvinar posuere augue. Suspendisse in orci vel ipsum ultricies venenatis id gravida augue. Ut ultrices urna ac est aliquam pretium. Praesent urna arcu, volutpat non lobortis a, eleifend eu ex. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam viverra velit sed convallis luctus. Cras diam libero, ultricies quis pellentesque nec, feugiat nec elit. Nullam dignissim fringilla sapien in condimentum. Morbi at imperdiet orci. Proin sodales mattis velit, a hendrerit dui blandit id.


In viverra orci sem, vel pellentesque lacus rutrum eu. Aenean id lacus ultrices, venenatis libero eget, eleifend odio. Ut faucibus ultricies accumsan. Pellentesque non ornare mauris. Suspendisse non dapibus tellus. Nunc egestas massa scelerisque interdum semper. Quisque venenatis dapibus nisl, a cursus dui scelerisque non. Pellentesque ac eleifend massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean vitae augue enim. Praesent pharetra aliquam ullamcorper. Cras blandit lectus enim, convallis blandit tortor tincidunt fermentum. Vivamus nisl ipsum, mollis at blandit et, rhoncus quis risus.


  • Cheesecake & Cherry Cola
  • Warm Weather
  • Public Speaking


  • Hospitals
  • Heavy Rain
  • Insects


  • Robotics & Engineering
  • Photography
  • Beachgoing



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.


  • Aenean bibendum convallis lectus id scelerisque. Nullam sollicitudin nibh ac vestibulum consectetur. Nunc tristique, elit suscipit luctus egestas, risus ante dapibus lorem, eget finibus neque libero nec ex.
  • Pellentesque at augue sed nibh congue venenatis in at augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam quam quam, suscipit vel faucibus mollis, pellentesque quis velit.


  • Suspendisse nisi sapien, semper quis porttitor et, blandit id tortor. Fusce porttitor tincidunt enim, vel maximus ligula vulputate in. Maecenas vulputate vitae ipsum at eleifend.
  • Nulla metus arcu, sollicitudin vitae justo at, luctus faucibus nisl. Sed volutpat libero sed tincidunt bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec elementum sagittis nisi. Maecenas bibendum nunc eu sapien finibus rhoncus. Etiam sit amet lorem at orci mattis pellentesque a ac ex. Mauris luctus, neque sit amet semper mattis, eros ante porta neque, ac volutpat purus leo in risus. Quisque feugiat dolor in mollis imperdiet. Curabitur tincidunt iaculis nunc ut rhoncus. Vestibulum cursus aliquet augue vitae posuere. Pellentesque eget ipsum id felis dignissim ullamcorper quis ac lorem. Curabitur feugiat sit amet leo et efficitur. Sed id augue a augue dapibus venenatis vitae id velit. Fusce posuere vestibulum nisl pulvinar aliquam.


  • Donec imperdiet turpis mollis tincidunt placerat. In porta et tellus eget condimentum. Quisque faucibus a felis sit amet mattis. Proin vitae neque congue, facilisis justo eget, porttitor turpis.


  • Duis vitae nunc mattis, ultrices felis sed, tempor lectus. In rutrum risus purus, ac commodo purus lacinia vitae. Suspendisse nec dolor id felis vulputate porta sit amet vel mauris. Proin porta ullamcorper dolor vitae vulputate. Pellentesque ultrices, nisi ut iaculis varius, mi sapien molestie tellus, eget porta metus ligula et ipsum. Maecenas laoreet ligula sed ultricies varius. Ut ac arcu sed nunc ornare varius eget tempus neque. Duis ultrices erat eros, ut tristique nisi elementum at. Mauris ut massa quam. Sed mattis massa vitae augue bibendum tincidunt. Proin ac mi et massa fermentum vulputate. In ut vestibulum nulla, in rhoncus sem.










SAPPHIRE (Secretary, Body Guard, Hypewoman, Best Friend)

Sapphire is Pyrite's confidant. Pyrite hired her as a personal secretary, but the two soon grew thick as thieves. She had unwavering confidence and support for her boss's plan to save the world, to the point of her being the first patient to undergo the roboticization. A major success, Sapphire became Galatea's main spokeswoman, along with becoming Pyrite's personal bodyguard. Pyrite trusts Sapphire completely.


CADMIUM (Business Associate, On/Off Again Fling)

Cadmium is one of Pyrite's many business associates, and one of his many on-and-off-again hookups. The two knew of eachother long before they actually met, only meeting at a tech conference. They aren't exactly friends, more aquaintances who occassionally collaborate. Pyrite thinks Caddie is cute, but not particularily clever. Sure, he's a smart businessman and an excellent software developer, but his constant pursual of fortune and popularity (and failings to do so) keep him off Pyrite's level. Given how Pilot and it's subsidiaries are doing at the moment, perhaps it's best if their relationship remain sexual, rather than business.


LATO (Close Friend)

A couple of years back a biopic about Pyrite's life was produced, and Lato was the actor picked to play Pyrite. Lato and Pyrite have an uncanny resemblance, and both hail from the same country, so it was an ideal pick. To get into character, Lato spent a few weeks hanging out with Pyrite and getting to know him, leading to an incredibly authentic performance, and a close friendship. To Pyrite, Lato is someone who he can talk honestly with, Lato understands him. The two have remained close since the film's release, the two being spotted at parties and social events together. A few tabloids have even reported on Lato being spotted staying over at Pyrite's palatial private island residence, but these are nothing more than rumours.


MIDAS (???)

One of the earliest subjects of Pyrite's synthetic body program. Seemingly conmpletely unknown before he started being seen around Pyrite a few years back. The two seem... close? But are rarely seen in the same places anymore.




  • SPECIES Caracal/Lynx
  • HEIGHT 5'09" (175 cm)
  • BUILD I believe the term is "slimthick"
  • EYE COLOUR Black Glass Sclera, Gold LED Pupil


  • Like all my anthro characters, Pyrite's feet and legs can be drawn however you want, either Plantigrade or Digitigrade. I don't care
  • Technically the back of Pyrite's ears should be black, due to him being a Caracal. I did not consider this when designing him so just leave them brown.
  • You MUST give him a fat ass and thick thighs. It's the law. He's what you'd call "slimthick" I think
  • The symbol on Pyrite's bodysuits is the logo for his company, Galatea Innovations.
  • Pyrite's outfits do have some level of purpose:
    • Cape: Pyrite's Cape outfit is the most classic, and can be used for basically anything. It's Pyrite's "I'm Special!" outfit.
    • Coat: Pyrite's Coat is another general outfit, for when he wants to be somewhat professional while still being unique.
    • Suit: Pyrite's Suit is a fitted two piece suit, used for formal occasions and important meetings.
    • Robe: Pyrite's Robe. It's a robe for when Pyrite is at home, something comfortable and easy to slip on and off.
    • Bodysuit: Pyrite's Bodysuit is similar to the cape outfit, but is general worn for when Pyrite wants to be particularly risque.
    • Zero Suit: Pyrite's Zero Suit is a skin-tight, advanced suit meant to interface with tech. Still in the testing-phase.
    • Dress: Pyrite's dress is a fun, flirty outfit for him. A bit of gendernonconformity is good for the soul.
  • Pyrite's eyes are synthetic, They glow softly and are somewhat reminiscent of a phone screen
  • Pyrite frequently wears makeup, particularly eyeliner and eyeshadow. His nails are also painted Teal.
  • Pyrite has numerous dark red stripes. Two on the Thigh, Two on the Upper Arm, Two below each Pectoral and 3 on the tail.
  • The Gold Arm attaches to the body with plating above the pectoral. On the back it covers his shoulderblade entirely.

Layout by jetsetspy | Code by AviCode