
3 years, 9 months ago
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Mio Medallion is a bell-tailed bat who currently attends a private university in Pyrite, the town over from Verrington. Academically, she is not a top student, but excells in dance and has become a rather prestigious ballerina, which is unusual for bats. After failing an important test, she is given an ultimatum by the dean: she must become top of all her classes or lose her dance scholarship. This task is made increasingly difficult when a new student arrives, and not only bullies Mio, but outclasses her in every way.

Mio is kind but easily angered, and this hotheadedness often invites unintended consequences. She struggles to accept when she is in the wrong and often interperets forgiveness as condescension, which makes moving beyond past arguments difficult. She is creative and passionate about her beliefs; she also tends to fall in love with those who challenge her, but her sensitive nature makes it difficult to interact with her love interests without hanging on to their every negative word, teasing or not.