Rahul 'Raja' Oswal



3 years, 7 months ago



Rahul Oswal










extro intro
real intui
logic feel
order hasty


  • Bhangra
  • Boba
  • Travel
  • Jackets
  • Rap


  • Glasses
  • Plushies
  • Alcohol
  • Bricks
  • Protein Shakes


  • He wears fingerless gloves all the time! He's never seen without them.
  • He's studying for a Computer Science Degree!
  • He knows Bollywood like the back of his hand. Especially older movies.
  • He was caught listening to Olivia Rodrigo once. Never quite lived it down.
  • Seems to prefer the day to the nighttime.

"I'm the motherfucking Raja!"

energetic sarcastic cocky

Known as the “Raja”, this boy is known as the king of Bhangra. With energy to rare him for miles, he puts his passion into the dance he loves. A jokester and a hot-head, the man is quite a character.

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Known as the “Raja”, this boy is proclaimed as the King of Bhangra, both himself and his peers. With energy to rare him for miles, he puts his passion into the dance he loves. Perfect time, perfect force, his stage presence is a phenomenon to be witnessed. And of course, he always finishes with a bright smile on his face. But his personality shifts when he's off-stage.

From a distance, he can come off as brooding and unapproachable, but striking conversation with him proves different. Like his stage presence, he is flamboyant but in all the wrong ways. While he's somewhat of a smooth talker, he also proves to be a bit of a trickster. Always looking for the punchline, even at the expense of others, he's quick to quip with sarcasm and tease. He doesn’t take anyone else seriously, even his own self. After all, Rahul has zero fucks to give! He'll tell you himself.

However, try to show him up through a manner of words or fists and he will not back down. Rahul is passionate at best and cocky at worst. He has a stubborn tendency, and too high of a horse which leads him to come off as brash, looking to prove himself right. He will ride or die with his opinions, and if he wins? He'll never live it down. Perhaps it's the ego boost, but he doesn't seem to forget.o.


Rahul Oswal, otherwise known as "Raja" is a popular sensation throughout the country. Although there is some controversy over his title, the vast majority agree that such a title belongs to the 21 year old. After all, his flawless technique along with his energy makes him quite worthy of his nickname, however egotistical it may be.

He goes to college in Chicago, one known for it's departments in IT and CS, however his realm is among the various dance teams at the college, a student proclaimed 'browntown'. As for himself, Rahul claims he has been doing Bhangra "since birth", hailing from the suburbs of Illinois. He thrives in the attention, often at parties when not at practice and always surrounded by friends.

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