Kae Marsh



3 years, 7 months ago


welcome to funkae town

Esme "Kae" Marsh
Kae, Lime
19 September
Nonbinary (They/Them)
(Engineering) Technician
5'5", 135 lbs
Convoluted Tasks
Video Games
Overwhelming Situations
Being Browbeaten
Old Crew


Kae is the lime crewmate. Their main specialty is their skills as a technician - yet they have other minor practical skills that can come in handy around the ship as well. They have short brown hair, freckles and green eyes, and are shorter than most of their other crewmates. They usually wear goggles with their outfit, and always have their earpiece in their left ear - it allows for them to communicate with their crewmates over a distance, while also tracking their own location. Their helmet's screen is one way glass and has the ability to change the face projected on it, or they can also make it so text appears over it, something that they custom programmed themself during their free time. Kae also has their fair share of injuries, the most noticeable being a large scar that runs from their right side all the way across their chest. Furthermore, Kae also has permanent damage to their rib cage - one of their ribs was removed entirely as a result of the same injury that landed them the nasty scar. Of course, they'd never admit that they have these scars to people, and would probably come up with some other story on how they got them if someone saw them and asked about them.

Kae is, to be blunt, the definition of chaotic good. They constantly put their abilities to use by pulling pranks on their crewmates, or just being a general nuisance for their own amusement - hacking into the ship's system and locking doors, blasting music through the intercoms at stupid hours of the day.. you name it, Kae has probably done it. They're generally a witty person who loves technology and would probably spend hours playing video games getting the best scores possible when they're not working around the ship, or on their own personal project. Despite the fact they can be extremely immature at times, Kae is rather intelligent, and is more than capable of having a genuine heart to heart to people. They also tend to keep their personal life to themselves, often putting on a front for amusement while keeping a lot of their personal life and worries to themself. Truth be told, Kae struggles with depression and subsequently has really bad self-worth issues, ultimately leading to them not being extremely courageous or open to other people. They often feel left out within groups, especially after an incident that happened with their previous crew, and struggle to truly connect with people at times. Kae won't tell people about these problems though - it's something they're keen on keeping to themself. They try not to let these struggles bring them down, and usually distract themself with their job, or a small side project, both of which they enjoy.


Kae grew up in the inner city of Ontario, Canada, where getting a decent job was relatively hard due to the high population. However, their parents saw highly of them and pushed Kaw a lot academically, putting them in extra out of school classes in order to help them raise their grades, dictating what they believed Kae should invest their time into and pushing them towards a certain career. Despite the fact the constant pressure from their parents could be overwhelming at times, and often resulting in them having a lot of self doubt because they felt like they weren't good enough when they didn't achieve the grade their parents wanted them to, they did exceptionally well when it came to academics, having a lot of high grades. This came in exeptionally handy when Kae turned 16, and their school announced apprenticeships that a space technician group were offering out to students. Kae, being one of the students who had high grades, was amongst the group that were handed this offer. Upon realising this was one of the first times in their life they could make a choice for their own, instead of being pushed around by their parents, Kae took up this offer and ended up moving out from their parents' house at the age of 16 to take part in this program, which was presented in the way of a boarding school.

Kae spent two years on this program, and eventually ended up specialising as an engineering technician, where they mostly focused on repairing equipment and vehicles that had returned from orbit while they continued their training, yet never personally went into space, they mostly remainded grounded, unless they were travelling around from base to base. Kae spent a lot of their free time on computers, likely either playing games or programming a variety of different things, which in all honestly just got them more comfortable to using equipment. Their high performance, however, was noted by their supervisors, who ended up offering Kae a position on a space crew, due to the fact that their technician had recently retired and was in need of a replacement - it would also allow for them to get more work experience and further their training. Kae had never thought about going up into space, it had mostly been their plan to stay on the ground and work on machinery there. However, still holding onto the mentality of wanting to do what they want in order to spite their parents in a way, Kae took up this offer and was scheduled to join one of the space crews. Training for them wasn't as extreme as it would have been for others, as all they really needed to do was get used to the environment in space, along with knowing what to do in case of an emergancy. They weren't going to be flying the ship, so they ended up just being briefed on what they should do in case of an emergency. After all, they were just a technician there, that was kinda the entire point of their job. Their 'training' lasted around 6 months before they were ultimately placed onto their new crew's ship.

Kae, obviously, didn't know anyone on the ship personally, other than the two captains that they had been introduced to prior. They were both siblings and had welcomed Kae onto the ship, this friendliness soon being presented to Kae by the other crew mates, and they soon settled in pretty quickly. They still continued some of their training, and was guided by the old technician, who offered to stay on the ship a little longer to help Kae get the hang of it, before they eventually returned back to Earth, leaving Kae up there with the rest of the crew. Kae didn't know how to feel about being in space at first, yet soon adapted to it and hardly felt any regret over their choices, however they did occasionally feel really homesick now and again, second guessing their choices and still feeling obligated to live up to some standard due to the pressure their parents had put on them. Even though they were away from them and had made their own choices, the fear of not doing or being good enough constantly followed them around. It wasn't enough to be detrimental to their work, but it would catch up to them now and again.

If it was any sort of comfort, however, Kae wasn't the only new-ish crewmate to the ship. A year prior to them another member had joined, and the pair of them ended up becoming fairly close. This bond was mostly formed after the captains of the ship decided to run all the crew through simulations of what to do in case they needed to drive the ship, and Kae and this other crewmate ended up being paired together. Even though they were close, Kae tended to throw a blind eye to some of the.. worrying behaviour that their friend exhibited, and as a result often got pushed around by said friend, who often thought they were better than Kae and would demand to be in charge during the simulation activities. This also resulted in fights on the odd occasion when Kae tried to stand up for themself, yet they would ultimately forget about it after and go back to being friendly with each other. This problem only really sparked up during the simulations, and Kae put it down to their friend being stressed during the situations - nothing to really worry about, right?

A couple months later, the crew moved onto actual aircrafts for their simulations. Driving hadn't been the top of everyone's priority, and they had touched on it now and again, though the captains believed everyone was ready to try and drive low-flying aircrafts as practise, as nothing was better than getting hands-on experience - simulations only provided so much that you could do. As before, Kae got paired up with the same person they had been working with the entire time, and the flight was going well until their crewmate started getting pushy with Kae, demanding that they should be the one controlling the aircraft. However, Kae had to also be driving, as it required two people to control it, and any effort to try and explain this to their friend resulted in them snapping back until the pair of them eventually broke out into a fight. This very quickly turned physical, with the pair pushing each other around, driving their focus away from the aircraft - they had been used to the simuations, where nothing could really go wrong, so they didn't think twice about this. Unfortunately, this fight resutling in them leaning on something, which turned on the ships alarms. Only then did Kae realise the danger of the situation and scrambled to try and control the ship again, much to their crewmates annoyance. They tried to pry Kae off the controls, who was trying to calm their crew mate down and get them to help too. The reality of the situation also hit them, and now the pair of them were yelling back and forth trying to control the aircraft. Unfortunately their hadn't acted quick enough, and the ship ended up crashing and almost completely totalling.

Both of them end up in the hospital for weeks in critial condition. Yet, fortunately for both of them, they end up surviving and being put back on the team after they recovered. Kae ended up having one of their ribs removed and left with a nasty scar running along their side, along with head trauma that likely began changing the way they acted. Even though they both survived the accident, the pair HATE each other's guts, blaming the other for the accident. At first Kae tried to pin it on the other person, yet the guilt eventually caught up to them and they took a lot of what their crewmate was saying to heart, completely blaming themself for what happened. Even though Kae wouldn't personally admit it, the entire thing got to very quickly and hit them like a truck mentally, making their self-worth issues worse, and it ended up getting to the point that this once social person spent most of their time in their room, hardly talking to people and only really leaving if someone needed something. It took such a mental toll on them, and the guilt just built up with time. Their other crewmate, who was slightly older than them, pinned it on Kae due to their age, calling them names and saying their clumbsiness was due to them being young (Kae was 19/20 at this time). It had been esbalished that the entire thing was an accident, yet all of this just made Kae feel more and more responsible. They'd yell and snap back at their other crewmate when arguments broke out, and eventually started getting snappy at other people when they tried to calm the both of them down. Eventually, this got too much for the captains to handle, and they decided that one of them had to go, to put an end to this entire thing. Kae, who had developed a horrible association with the entire crew, gladly took their leave. They were placed on the home base for a while and took this time to take care of themself, both physically and mentally, as they needed time to recover.

After a while of recovering, the supervisors offer Kae another offer to go into space. This time they were extremely hesitant, as the trauma from the previous crew still followed them around, yet the supervisors promised them they would not be placed on the same team, and that they could come back down if they wanted, as the team already had a technician. It was just a big ship, and having multiple technicians would help out a lot, especially due to the skill set that Kae had. After thinking about it, Kae finally decided that they might as well try everything out again - they had pulled themself out of the mental rut they were going through before and deciding getting over their fear would help them a lot, so they accepted, and ended up getting transferred to a new crew...

That crew being their current crew :)

Current Crew

It was a similar situation at the start when Kae first joined the crew, they seemed friendly but Kae knew none of them and stuck to themself most of the time, helping out around the ship and making small talk with people, but never really considering anyone a friend. They spent a lot of their time in their room working on personal projects, such as programming or robotics, and tended to give off a very nonchalant vibe to those around them. They were just here to get a job done, nothing else. In their mind, they didn't need to be friends with their crewmates, and only needed to get along with them - the bare minimum. Kae also kept their old uniform, as they didn't really see the point in getting a completely new one, hence it clashing drastically with the uniform that their new crew wear. They stuck to this persona for a while until they eventually wamred up to Lat, someone else who seemed fairly isolated from the group. Kae figured he would be easy to talk to, and gradually over time hung around him more and more until they eventually became a lot more relaxed. Albeit that Kae can come off as too much from time to time, it's mostly due to their awkwardness and trying to get used to being on a crew of people again. They are probably closest with Lat, and eventually developed a sibling-esque bond with him. Kae mostly struggles to befriend the rest of the crew out of fear something like before will happen, and instead turned to being an absolute menace to them as a form of entertainment, such as jokingly messing with the intercom or causing harmless pranks with the equipment on the ship. While this has caused some people to find Kae extremely annoying, they still get some sort of kick out of it. Even though they are a lot more social than before, they still find themself spending a lot of their time in their room out of habit, working on personal projects way from the others. They still struggle a lot with self-worth issues, so staying in their room is a good way for them to relax and get away when things seem like too much for them. They likely have a lot of robotics scattered around their room, along with games that they play in their freetime.

Overtime they just gradually warmed up to people a lot more, and accidentally shaped themself as a chaotic good person who turns to pranks, which originated from them trying to befriend people but forgetting they have horrible people skills, but they're... trying, to say the least. This outlook contrasts greatly with their actual personality - an intelligent individual who would probably prefer to be working on their own stuff. However, they've stuck to this persona that they painted for themself, and will occasionally open up to others and have genuine conversations with them if they'd take the time to talk with them. They can still snap at people on accident when things get too much, yet it is usually off-comments or a change of tone - they never really mean any harm and can often just get too over their own head and overwhelmed with situations - they struggle a lot under pressure and would probably be better left alone for them to figure out what to do then. They work a lot better on their own, likely skills they developed from the period of time on their old ship where they stuck to their own work, and this habit just happened to follow them over.





Sometimes I really question if Captain is actually qualified to even be in space. Most of the time he just seems like he's here for a good time, and seems to forget he's meant to be in charge of us all. He's a... very interesting character, to say the least. I don't think I've met someone who cares less about their dignity.


Probably the closest thing I have to family up here, he's just an older brother to me. Even if I do, admittedly, drive him up the wall sometimes, I'm glad to have him around. He's surprisingly laid back, especially considering that he has to deal with the rest of the crew who can be.. Yeah. He's been through a lot.


Would probably just kill me if he had to live with me. I probably would've earned it, as a lot of the stuff I do is targeted towards Luka. Call it mutual bullying if you want. Seems pretty calm when they're not blasting stuff through my headset. Luka usually doesn't forget pranks.. which I've learned the hard way, many times.


If anyone scares me the most on this ship, it's likely the doctors. One of them has a coffee addiction and the other is literally a robot (though I find that really cool too). Would not recommend getting on Bio's bad side at all. I seem to run her patience thin very quickly... I wish I had given a better first impression.


A sentient robot? HELLO? I probably shouldn't freak out over this stuff as Fixer can be scary. But they're a whole ass robot, with feelings. How is that not cool?? They don't like it when I mess with the cleaner bots on the ship, sadly. They're cool, but no offense to them, I'd probably trust Bio more with injuries.


This man both fascinates and confuses me sometimes. Don't get me wrong, he's surprisingly good at cooking, all things considered. It's just his personality that, well, it's something. He's not on exactly on par with Captain, but he's had his fair share of extremely questionable things that he's done.


[Seems like whatever was written here was scribbled out].