G-Z 👑's Comments

Anyone in my th? Anyone with a 👑 is not up for offers, I can offer multiple

No sorry 

I can offer $35

Would u be willing to do a voucher? I can't accept money 


Great, can I DM u the character for the voucher? 

6 Replies

I can offer a voucher? ^^’ how much are u looking for on it tho??

I'm not sure, how much would u offer? 

somewhere around $35?

I'd be fine w that! I'll lyk if I find an oc 

Found one

They're stated to be at 40 but they'd probably also take 35 

you can go ahead and ask them if they’ll take $35 and if so then I wont have the money till saturday, if both of you are ok with waiting till saturday! :0

Oo yea I'll do that 

5 Replies

Anything on my page for them? I’ll even offer to draw you main sona for it.

No sorry 

Hey I have another offer! I’ll offer as many YCH drawings as you desire for them!

I'm not a fan of ychs srry 
