


7 years, 3 months ago


Name Paraven

Called Noodle, Para

Age Old as first dinosaurs

D.o.B. Unknown

Gender Fluid

Pronouns he/him

Height 195cm

Build Semi-muscular

Species Corvid Reaper

Role Reaper

Demeanor Grumpy Neutral

Aesthetic cemetery coreish

Orientation whatever happens

Relationship status Single



Grumpy • Tormented • Boredom • Observant

He's been on earth for long time.. So long, he saw only bad things and it hardened his heart; made him act cold and harsh towards loved ones and strangers alike. Hard to approach attitude, yet the exterior doesn't show all thats going on inside him; actually he was a grieving old man, who had bitterness eating him away and grief for many years... All was changed once he got to know his niece...








Paraven is oldest of Deatha's children. He's been the most responsible brother, obedient to his Mother, yet caring brother. All that changed when they left their home realm, Ikivalkea, and went to earth to full fill their jobs as Corvid- Reapers. Para soon noticed that these beings on 'earth' had short life spans, he decided to observe. After while he got more or less attached to their way of living their short lives, the humans managed to do so many things in so short time. He became aware about demons too, the souls that were judged as tainted and delivered to hell, to pay for their sins. little did he know, he wanted to know more what was going on in the underworld. The place was chaos, it was horrible, and he was surprised that souls could turn out to be so vengeful and violent. It was a shock, till he met one particular demon, who ruined his life. This demon seemed to be above them all, power thirsty and polite, at first glance, Paraven agreed to bring the tainted souls to him, directly, without Deatha judging them whenever they were tainted. Paraven back in the days thought he could do that job on his own. That continued for some time, during this time Paraven had learned how to make offspring of his own, all that was needed was soul, dead animal for an host, little piece of himself and barn owl skull, that he used to make Tundral, his masterpiece and spark of his life. He did teach her the way of a Reaper, but he didn't know she'd be used as leverage to get hold of him...

Hardened Heart

The demon had abducted Tundral, and now ordered Paraven around like mere bloodhound to do as he was told to. Paraven did anything, always pleading his daughters return and her to be unharmed. He even betrayed his brother, taking his child to the demon so Tundral would be freed. The demon did promise to return her... and Paraven did get her, in pieces. Years went by, grieving and growing bitter, he did as demon told for many years, he tried to take his brothers second creation for the demon, even thought he already knew Tundral wasn't alive anymore, he had received her skull, but not her soul. He thought hid this fact of his daughter's abduction and death, he was pushed forwards only to obey the orders, he'd grown cold and grumpy. His niece however got a hold of him, this daughter of Karmachel's, Ravile, had remarkable ability.. and such remarkable bravery within her. The strength she had tamed his bitterness. And he felt at peace again, turning his back to the demon for final time.

He after some time resigned from delivering souls to the demon, nor letting himself be treated like mere mutt; toy of the demons. He fought back, and he went to fight and get his daughters soul fragments back. yet, one of the fragments appeared to be tainted by the demon, corrupted through and through. Paraven sealed his daughters memories, and as she was reborn he felt whole again and in progress he lost his arm...

Grief and recovery

He did have, for short time a lover, and children that were brutally torn from him; as if the demon pulled his last trick on Paraven and the mighty Reaper now was in pieces. His heart shattered, all he cared about now, was his only daughter Tundral as he left the human world to spend more time in Ikivalkea; shutting himself from anyone and everyone as he was in inner turmoil so bad it's about to destroy him for good.. Hearing Karma got happiness.. he is kind of jealous and decided to go back; his mother had become way too concerned for his liking. All he needed was safety and no more heartbreak.. he wants to heal and start over a new...

  • His feral form is like a noodle with one eye, some spidery looking claws coming off his face.
  • He is still very grumpy, but he loves his brothers children and his own child a lot, despite always scolding about dangers and mingling with demons.
  • His arm will never heal as long as he holds on to past.
  • He actually has very dark humor, darker than most of his brothers but then again, he's old as dinosaur.
  • Paraven is his mother's favorite despite the mistakes he's made; he is always going to be his mothers favorite son andhe never forgets to mention that.

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