


3 years, 8 months ago


“We are forever at your service, Brother.”


The four Thrones gave up their individual identities, sharing their thoughts and memories among them, all in order to think as one being. They dedicate their whole existence to serve Seraphim, Heaven's firstborn. They cover their eyes in the same manner their older brother does, as a gesture of admiration.

The thrones are Seraphim's bodyguards, though they are currently in charge of the Dominions.


Although this angel is known as Vretiel they have long since giving up their identity. The thrones are all dedicated to serving Seraphim, and they hold a deep adoration for their older sibling, They do not act like individuals, but rather like one being with four bodies. They seem to always speak in a chipper tone, no matter the subject of the conversation.  They also wear a triumphant smile all the time. The thrones are eager to be useful to Seraphim and their mother, even to the point of throwing their lives away. Though they smile alot, they're actually very cruel. The ridicule and laugh at angels who fail to live up to Heaven's expectations, and will gladly punish anyone who steps out of line for their mother. They're also in charge of Heaven's ultimate punishment; breaking disgraced angels halos and throwing them down to Sheol. They're so apathetic to their siblings that they even made a game out of it.


The thrones first came to be when the first litter of angels were born after the first born, Seraphim. The litter became so attached to Seraphim, that they all started to think as one being. As new litters were born, more and more angels were recruited into the thrones. However as time passed, the thrones' numbers decreased as the angels passed away. As the thrones shared their memories, the first thrones never truly died though, still living on through countless angel bodies. Over time, it was decided that the thrones would be an exclusive group, that would only recruit new angels should one of them pass. Currently, the number of thrones are four.

Other quotes

  • "Unworthy."


  • Despite being feared for their cruelty, the thrones are still a highly revered rank that many angels aspire to join.