Basic Info







Emralda is very cunning and smart, she's always thinking and can think on her feet in tough situations. She is also a very proud Chrystinalian, she takes pride in who she is and what she looks like, but she is not vain. She is a very strong and powerful female and will not back down from a fight if and when she is challenged, no matter how impossible it may seem for her to come out victorious. Emralda can be quick to anger and can be rather hot-headed, which means that fights often ensue after she has been angered.


Won from a form contest December 2012


Emralda was born in a frigid cavern five years ago on a cold stormy day in winter in the Carpathian Mountains. She was born one of three cubs her mother bore. The number sadly dwindled however, when her two siblings fell victim to an illness that had been brought on by the weather and they suffered greatly at the hands of it and their weak newborn immune systems gave up the fight by the end of the night. Emralda awoke the following morning to find that the bodies of her two siblings were cold and rigid, they were dead. She mewled loudly in fear and confusion, awaking her parents. When they saw what was wrong, her mother comforted her as her father took his two lifeless cubs outside and buried them.
Emralda, as the last surviving cub, was doted upon and was loved by her parents and was very well taken care of. Everything was right in her world. Until the one fateful day when she was several months old and her parents were out hunting. They had been laying hidden in the snow so that only their crystals could really be seen by their prey when some humans came upon them and thought that they had struck it rich and found a random formation of gems sprouting from the ground. The humans attempt to "mine" the crystals, only to be attacked and killed by Emralda's parents in self-defense. Only one of the humans managed to get away, unfortunately. For the human went back and told the nearest village of people what had happened and rounded up some warriors to come and kill the beasts who had slaughtered his companions. The week following the incident, the warriors came and though her parents fought long and hard with the humans in an attempt to protect her, they were in the end, both killed. Emraldasurvided by hiding in a small crack inside the cave that was shrouded and dark and stayed there for two days, shivering and afraid. She was only six weeks old...
Emralda had to learn quickly how to survive on her own and because of this she grew up to become a very strong-willed, independant, and tough female who could compete with the best of 'em. As she started to reach sexual maturity, she was approached by many males who sought to woo her and mate with her, but none of them prevailed, for they either failed to strike her fancy or just weren't strong enough to handle her fierce and fiery personality and spirit. This is not to say that she doesn't want to settle down and have cubs, for she most definitely does, but she wants it to be with a male who can match her strength.