Asami Carlevaro



7 years, 6 months ago


[ B A S I C · I N F O R M A T I O N ]

Name : Asami Carlevaro
D.O.B. : October 13th
Age : 18
Gender : Female
Height : 160cm
Nationality : Japanese-Italian
Inmate # : 27 [ Building not determined ]
[ O C C U P A T I O N ]
  • Asami started assassination at the age of 6; she only did it to find her family(if she has one) and for money.

[ N O R M A L ]

[ Quiet | Shy | Unexpressive | Loyal | Cold | Stoic | Lazy | Laid Back ]

  • Asami isn't really a happy-go-lucky person with all the smiles and stuff, she is mostly quiet and rarely talks(but will talk if necessary); she is mostly quiet due to her former job as an assassin. Not only is she quiet, she is also quite cold towards people she just met but if you give her time, she'll eventually warm up to you, although she'll warm up to others once she gets to know them, she really can't show emotions much so her face will be somewhat unexpressive; the only emotions you'll see on her face will either be blank, cold, confusion, anger, and maybe surprise?(If you want to know her emotions you need to know her and look at her eyes; most emotions are displayed in her fox-like eyes). Once she warms up to you, she can be quiet shy, due to her not interacting much with other people(and somewhat isolated her shelf from the world), but she'll "try" to show emotions and once she deems someone as friends she can be quite protective, motherly(surprisingly she doesn't know that she has this kind of side of her), and loyal. Asami is also lazy and laid back. 

[ B L O O D L U S T ]

[ Deadly | Ruthless | Blood thirty | Cunning | Mischievous | Independent | Insane]

  • [Asami's blood lust will only show if she's REALLY pissed or REALLY annoyed!!!! Be cautious when she is in her blood lust mode!!!]Unfortunately, her blood lust side doesn’t seem to share the somewhat same outlook as her normal self. The once stoic and quiet girl, who is unaware of the existence of another personality, became deadly and completely ruthless. Although, this side show a little bit more emotion, these emotions are more insane and scary and seemingly unable to show empathy to other people(in terms she is sadistic). She became an entirely different person especially during battle, showing neither hesitation to fight nor concern for others. To her, there’s not much a difference from ally and foe, however, if its her friends then she'll still protect them. Another thing is that when Asami turns back to normal she has NO collection of what just happen; sh is COMPLETELY clueless.