(Kebanzu)'s Comments

Would you possibly accept art for this babe? Or possibly something from here that isn't marked with "NFT, Sona, Comfort" https://toyhou.se/ProxyPixel/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:NFT?page=1

Hello! I do like your art, are you able to draw humanoids?

Yes I am! What character(s) do you have in mind and how many art pieces would you specifically want for them?

Heres some more examples if needed; https://sta.sh/

ahh sorry, the stash link is just to stash, not to any specific art!! And hmm I'd need to think on it a tiny bit, and it depends what kind of art you're offering! <3

Woops, this link should work then https://sta.sh/21rm4n3yal80?edit=1 (should be a stash folder that leads to subfolders for you to look through~!)

I'd be willing to do fully shaded stuff for them! Possibly 3 fullbodies?