Nepheleste Ragna Wilheim



3 years, 8 months ago



33010381_hz6.png?1616787900?width=1030&h Level 8
Strength 18
Dexterity 15
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 20
Charisma 16
Comeliness 18


Name Nepheleste Ragna Wilheim
Alias Neph
Age 20
Gender Female
Background Noble
Race Human turned Aasimar
Class Light Domain Cleric
Alignment Lawful Good
Height 5'6"
Build Athletic Hourglass
Demeanor Formal, Kind, Optimistic
Orientation Lesbian

“...I can’t possibly imagine what you’ve gone through and what you’re feeling right now. But... just keep this in mind; I’m here for you.”

  • Divination in most forms
  • Ladybugs
  • The feeling of fur
  • Floral + fruity scents
  • Unreasonable aggression
  • Manipulation
  • Alcohol (She's an extreme lightweight)
  • The smell of smoke


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Write some of their positive personality traits





Write some of their negative personality traits




Skills & Abilities

Radiant Soul
Once per long rest I can use an action to transform, gaining glimmer in my eyes and two incorporeal wings. For 1 minute or until I end it as a bonus action, I have 30 feet fly speed; once on my turn I can have one of my attacks or spells deal my level in extra radiant damage to one target.

Healing Hands
As an action, once per long rest, I can touch to heal for my level in HP (7 hp).

Summon familiar (Oydis)
Summon a spirit that serves as a familiar, appearing in an unoccupied space within 10 ft. It always assumes a chosen form of a cat. It has the chosen form's statistics, but its type changes from beast to Fey. When the familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. It reappears when I cast this spell again (in a new form if so desired). The familiar acts independently of me, but it always obeys my commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn, but it can't attack While it is within 100 ft of me, I can communicate with it telepathically • As an action, I see/hear what it does (but not with my senses) until the start of my next turn • As an action, I can temporarily dismiss it, having it disappears into a pocket dimension • As an action, while it is temporarily dismissed, I can cause it to reappear within 30 ft When I cast a spell with a range of touch, my familiar can deliver the spell. It must be within 100 ft of me and it must use its reaction to deliver the spell when I cast it. It acts as if it cast the spell, but it can use my modifiers for any attack rolls the spell requires.

Warding Flare
When a creature within 30 ft attacks me and I can see it, I can interpose divine light. As a reaction, I impose disadv. on the attacker's attack roll (unless it can't be blinded). I can also use my Warding Flare if another is attacked by a creature within 30 ft of me

I can't be surprised while I'm conscious. I have a +5 bonus on initiative rolls. Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against me as a result of being hidden from me.

Dual Wielder
I can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons I'm wielding aren't light. I can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when I would normally be able to draw or stow only one. +1 AC while wielding separate melee weapons in each hand.


Periapt of Wound Closure [Accessory, Support]
While I wear this pendant, I stabilize whenever I am dying at the start of my turn. In addition, whenever I roll a Hit Die to regain hit points I double the number of hit points it restores.

Lightbringer [Mace, Magical]
This mace adds a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It is made for a cleric of the god of dawn, with its head of shaped like a sunburst and made of solid brass. I can command it to glow as bright as a torch. While glowing, the mace deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage to undead creatures.

Wand of Magic Missiles [Wand, Magical]
This wand has 7 charges, regaining 1d6+1 at dawn. As an action, I can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast Magic Missile from it as a 1st level spell. The spell slot level increases by one for each charge expended after the first. When the last charge is used, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes.

Mythril Scale Armor [Armor, Magical]
Scale mail+1 w/ no disadvantage on stealth

300 GP worth of Diamond Dust [Spell Component x1]
Restores a creature's body that has died in the last min to life with 1 HP

Glass Eyeball [Spell Component, Reusable]
See or hear a familiar place; 1 action to switch between seeing and hearing

Bag of Holding [Misc, Storage]
This bag is 2 ft in diameter at the mouth, 4 ft deep, and 15 lb regardless of content. It can hold up to 500 lb, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic ft. Retrieving an item from it requires an action. If it becomes overloaded, pierced, or torn, it is destroyed along with its contents in the Astral plane. If turned inside out, all its contents spill forth.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.




[ Requited Feelings With ]

Nepheleste met Varanasi while looking for Hela, both of them in a small town called Whiterun. The two banded together rather soon after their initial meeting, many adventures and close calls following their arrival. They continued to keep watch over each other as time passed and Neph quickly fell for the Vampiress. After a few odd reactions and a long talk the two promised the other that they would keep no secrets, this is followed by a one sided confession. Varanasi leaves the group to scout ahead while the pthers stay busy and mishaps ensue. The party finds new things out about Varanasi in her absence to then find and take her back from a hidden city of vampires, at least temporarily. Nepheleste presents a ring of farspeech to Varanasi as a way to keep in touch just in case. Jokes ensue about proposals and a flustered Neph denies accusations as the party gets a break from as much stress. Varanasi decides to stay in one city, deciding to fix up the temple of her matron (and past lover). Nepheleste and the party rush off to do their own things, occasionally meeting up with Varanasi when they roll into the town every so often. The capital falls and the party catches up with Varanasi once more afterwards. After getting as much of the population out of harms way as possible everyone left travels to the next largest hold for protection. Varanasi expresses her frustration about who the party is working with, leading to her storming out of an important meeting. Nepheleste follows alone and catches up so the two can talk. The two have a close moment and a kiss is initated by Varanasi. Both of them confirm their feelings before they part while being flustered.



[ Matron ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



[ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.