Basic Info


Mignyan (Snail)


I am on the inside, come get me.


Name Sloth

Age Unknown (Appears to be mid twenties)

Gender Male

Occupation Songwriter/Lead Singer for Re-Hellion

Species Gastropod (Mignyan)

Voiceclaim Oliver Sykes of BMTH




The host was a lead singer to another band before they fell victim to parasitic worms and went missing for a couple years. Most assumed him dead, only for him to suddenly come back alive and...well? He's come back with a new band and sound, ready to bring Re-Hellion to the top of the charts! The band's stage performances are definitely something to witness firsthand, especially the lead singer's little special effects trick...

"Sloth" stumbled upon his current host in a seemingly catatonic state, and the body being controlled by what seemed to be another parasite. However, the worms perished the moment the Mignyan decided to take the body for himself. It seems the host may have still been alive despite the parasitic worms, but accessing his original memories have been difficult with how long the worms were in control. What Sloth could gain from both the worms and what he could of the host, they were a former singer. The host left behind songs they'd written before the worm infection, and even pieces that managed to be written either during the early stages of the worm takeover or perhaps by the worms themselves. Either way, Sloth became fascinated by his host's writing and wanted to recreate their former life for himself. With some time, practice and research, he was able to attract some people to get a band together and thus, Re-Hellion was born. This rockstar wows with his lyrics and voice, brought to life further by his band's sound. Sloth only makes an effort to keep his secret when off stage, but he doesn't seem to care much for the invasion itself. He'll gladly take a room full of groupies and add them among his bretheren, but seems to only put in the effort when he's bored. The only time he keeps an eye out for others, is to prevent them from trying to take any of his bandmates as a host. He gets to decide whether or not they get to be hosts. Besides, why would he wanna waste such talent?

On stage, Sloth will put his Mignyan form on full display without hesitation as though it's part of the show. His lyrics also seem rather suspicious to anyone playing close attention to them, but who would care to notice?






Bandmate/Close Friend