


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Human (?)





Height | Weight:

5'1 | 90 lbs

Elements and/or powers:

The ability to transfer life force, and interact with it like a tangible object.


North is a young child who was transferred to a military base located in the northernmost regions of his world's arctic. During an incident wherein a group of criminals ransacked and destroyed the orphanage he lived in, North entered a panicked state and accidentally dissolved the life force of one of the members of the group, killing him in a matter of seconds. After the event was over he was evaluated and it was eventually decided that with enough practice honing this skill and others he could become a highly efficient soldier; this practice was to be gained in a boot camp, so he was promptly shipped off. 

Bullet points:
-Soft-spoken, sometimes stutters 

-He's not very expressive and can alternate between a shy wallflower and someone who just doesn't want to speak to you because he's tired of all the shenanigans.

-Looks up to those who he sees as being in a higher rank, be it just because they're older than he is or because they're actually one of his commanding officers

-Tries his best to be useful! He thinks of everyday tasks as "missions" and enjoys mundane chores if he's in the company of people who make him comfortable.

-Makes rash decisions to try and save people in combat. Somehow it usually works, but he's learning to take more calculated risks. 

-Even though he can manipulate life force, the ability is usually very mild. He can't just murder someone with a snap of a finger. The strength of the ability flares up in times of high tension or outright panic. He's not naturally a great fighter without the help of his ability, but he frequently trains and has learned some more acrobatic maneuvers to keep enemies on their toes and hopefully give him an edge.  

-His hands are almost always cold to the touch.