


7 years, 3 months ago



Full birth name: Skye
Pronunciation: SKIE 
Does your character like their name?: Yes
Do they use their birth name?: Yes
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Mortality: Mortal
Species: Human
Sexual orientation: Bisexual


Body type: Ectomorph
Height: 5'10
Weight: 60 kg
Shoe size: 7
General body health: Healthy
Diseases/illnesses: None
Scars: Small scar on his right cheek, Scar across his left shoulder, Serveral small scars all over his body.
Tattoos: Large Tiger Tattoo on his back
Piercings/earrings: None
Birthmarks: None
Other body modifications: None
 Blood type: AB+

Clothes and accessories

Normal outfit: This / This
Job/school outfit: Job Outfit
Sleepwear: PJs
Formal outfit: Suit
Summer outfit: Summer Outfit
Winter outfit: Same as Normal outfit
Weapon: Knife


Social class: Upper Class
How far goes their education?: Highschool
Was it public or private?: Public
Best subject(s): Business Math
Worst subject(s): Medieval History
Favourite subject(s): Archery
Least favourite subject(s): Health
Number of siblings: 0
Number of friends: 3-4
Number of enemies: Too many to count

Biological father's name: Tyson
Still alive?: Yes
Was he around during their childhood?: Yes
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life?: Yes
Biological mother's name: Skylar
Still alive?: No
Was she around during their childhood?: Yes
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life?: Yes
First boy/girlfriend: Jackson
Are they still together?: No
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life?: No


Relationship Status: Taken
Love interest(s): Zack Sawyer
Still alive?: Yes
Love life: 
How easily do they fall in love?: Not easily
How many lovers have they had?: 2
Have they been used before?: No
Have they used someone before?: No
Sex life:
Are they still a virgin?: No
When and how did they lose it?: At age 15 he got really drunk and really high and ended up sleeping with his best friend.
How often do they have sex?: Not Often
Can they go without sex? For how long?: Yes, he could go without for months
Would they have a one-night stand?: Yes
Are they experimental?: Yes
Preferred position (dominant/submissive/don’t care/switch): Switch
Sexual turn-ons: Pain, BDSM
Sexual turn-offs: -


Knife Throwing
Rock Climbing


Mind and personality

In-depth personality: Multiple Personalities.
Jung personality: ISTJ
Enneagram: Type 8 - The Challenger

Fears: None
Phobias: None
Mental/emotional trauma: Yes
Sanity: Insane
Mental illness(es): Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
Mental conditions: Sexual Masochism Disorder
Passive or aggressive personality: Aggressive
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimist
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Language Skills

Languages fluently spoken: English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, Arabic, French and Italian
Languages non-fluently spoken: Chinese, Swedish and Dutch
Languages well understood: English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, Arabic, French, Italian, Chinese, Swedish and Dutch
Languages averagely to barely understood: Danish and Filipino
Languages well read: English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, Arabic, French, Italian, Chinese, Swedish and Dutch
Languages averagely to badly read: Danish and Filipino
Which writing systems can they read (Latin characters, Cyrillic, ...)?: Kanji, Latin and Alphabetic
Mother language(s): English
Accent: None
Voice: Voice Clip

Habits and addictions

Are they a vegan/vegetarian?: No
Any other restricted diet?: Nope
Food allergies?: None

Sleeping habits: 
Do they have a healthy sleeping pattern?: No
What time do they go to bed and wake up?: He has no set bedtime
Do they have trouble falling asleep?: Sometimes
How long do they sleep?: 3-4 hours
Do they smoke?: Yes
How often?: Daily
What?: Cigarettes, Cigars and Weed

Do they drink?: Yes
How often?: Daily
What?: Anything, mainly Whiskey though
How are they when drunk?: Quiet, Scary, Horny
Do they do drugs?: Yes
How often?: Not Often
Which?: Cocaine
How are they when under influence?: Noisy, Tired, Excited
Are they addicted to any of the above?: No                                                                                                                                    

Interests and opinions

Likes: Violence, Dangerous Hobbies, Hurting Himself, Being Alone, Using Guns, Sniping, Killing, Drinking.
Dislikes: Girly Stuff, Being the Center of Attention, Getting Emotional.

What is their favourite…
Colour: Black
Animal: Panther
Food/dish: Mac and Cheese
Dessert: Chocolate Trifle
Drink: Coffee
Alcoholic beverage: Whiskey
Season: Winter
Book: The Serial Killer Files by Harold Schechter
Literary genre: Non-Fiction
Movie: Naked Blood
Movie genre: Horror
TV show: How to Get Away with Murder
TV genre: Crime
Artist/band: Disturbed
Song: Down with the Sickness
Music genre: Heavy Metal