Sprinkles's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

sable Global Rules

1.) Do NOT remove my designs or art from TH without contacting me first! I like to keep a sample of my art available for public viewing so I’d appreciate a heads up if you’re removing anything I produced.

2.) Do NOT remove or edit my signature from any art or linework I’ve produced.

3.) Do NOT edit or trace my art to be used as a base/lineart.

4.) Do NOT sell, trade, voucher or gift alt palettes/splits of my designs as their own character. Any design variants must be sold with the original design by me.

5.) Do NOT use my art for commercial purposes without permission.

These rules subject to change at any time, but as of 4/5/24, all designs produced by me are free to be edited, recolored and resold for any price by their owner, as long as you follow the rules listed above. 💕