Kinja the Echidna



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Kinja Anne Agatha Kirono

Alias: Senna Marie Stone

Kin, Sen



DOB (Date of Birth):
November 28th


Gender: Nonbinary

Pronouns: She/her

Sexual Orientation: 

Marital Status: 
In a committed relationship with Caleb Gabriel Fenx

Height: 110cm (3 inches taller than Sonic)

Fur Color: 
Electric Purple

Hair colour: Eggplant

Eye Color: 
Naturally Purple, wears Green contacts

Skin Color:

Fur/Quill Style: 
Two long dreads in the front like most echidnas, but the rest of her quills are cut short, like a bob hairstyle. The secondary quills on each side curl up.

Body Marks/Constants:

~Burn marks on left palm and her stomach on the right side

~tribe symbol tattooed on lower back

~flatter muzzle than most echidnas

                                                                   ~left handed


~Gold conjoined bangles

~A mythirian silver engagement ring, given to by Sirk. It will only come off if one of them dies, or if a special ritual is performed.

~Her mother’s choker, navy blue with a silver tag.

~Her father’s navy blue weapon pouch, which she fits her shuriken in.

~A heart-shaped chain the colour of Caleb's birthstone, clipped around the weapon pouch.


As Kinja, from top to bottom: 

~Orange and gold tank top with a break in the chest, zipped in the back.

~Gold pants with right pantleg cropped to the thigh, orange cuff on the left leg. 

~ Navy blue ninja sandals with a gold pattern sewed in.

As Senna from top to bottom:

~black tank top with sleeves attached by several straps webbed together. The right sleeve is fingerless, while the left is full in order to hide her engagement ring.

~green belt with a silver chain attached to it, wraps around and is stuffed in her back pocket. Often comes out when performing.

~Red pleated denim pants.

~ Green toeless platform boots strapped at the ankle. Clockwork Penguin penGear mascot on each side of the shoe. 



~oversized periwinkle t-shirt with a pink sillhouette of a cat on it

~Sheer blue pajama pants with pink strawberries on it

No socks

Cafe Uniform

~pink bandanna with red heart pattern

~blush blouse with pink lace on arms and bodice

~Blush gloves with pink lace

~pink dress with cross-hatch pattern

~ ruffled white-and-pink underskirt

~blush apron with small pink pocket and bordered with pink lace, tied with a blush bow

~blush socks with ruffled pink cuffs, with the same pattern as ehr bandanna

~Pink heels that are cross-stitched and topped with a strawberry button 

Medical Stuff (Allergies, diseases, disabilities, etc.):

~PTSD regarding swords,

 ~mildly lactose intolerant(can't drink milk or eat ice cream, but can eat cheese and other desserts in small doses), 

~Poor eyesight


~Tatsumi Kirono the Echidna(Mother, Deceased)

~Asher Kirono the Ferret(Father, Deceased)

~Kane Kirono(Twin Brother, deceased)

~Ezrya Eravil (biological daughter)

~Radio the Oriental Shorthair(adopted child)


Team Chi: Miki the Hedgehog (Speed) Rini the Ferret(Fly)

My OCs: Semir the Remisiquell, Cher the Cat, Faye the Albino Wallaby, Lyra the Gazelle, Clara Fenx

Other people's OCs: Savana Panther, Henry the Armadillo 

Canon: Bunnie Rabbot(who she calls Aund Bunnie) , Sonic, Rotor, Sally Acorn


My OCs: Pikaru the Chinchilla, Jularlmin Aardvark, Tala the Cocker Spaniel,  Reggie the ferret, Delilah the Sheep(boss) 

Canon: Tails, Antione


My OCs: Sirk Eravil 

Canon: Robotnik, Snivley, 

Does not Know:

My OCs: Xial, Cricket the Fraixel, Freya, Lena, Marcii, Relic, Lore the Jaguar, Ketta, Dare the Panda, Bent Bulldog, Heaven the Raccoon, Whirlwind the Cocker Spaniel, 

Alliance (Evil, Good, Neutral, etc.):

Previous Residence: A village on Ashen Island, then Knothole Village from 10-13

Currently Residing: Split residency between an apartment shared with Caleb, and A three-story house built by Team Chi themselves, with 9 bedrooms, 3 and a half bathrooms and one big shared kitchen. Currently 2 rooms remain vacant to be used to rehabilitate refugees, but Kinja, Miki, Rini, and Clockwork Penguin all have their own bedrooms. It was originally a 5 bedroom 2 and a half bath, but they added a third floor.

Powers and Abilities

Psychic abilities: 

gained after watching her twin brother die, these powers are only as strong as her mind which, being honest, is not that strong. The strength and precision of these abilities are tied directly to her emotional state and levels of focus, and vary for each situation. 


Telepathy: Kinja can transport her thoughts to someone through direct eye contact. She can also hear other people’s thoughts if they respond to her initial request. If they make physical contact while her power is activated, she can go as far as reliving a memory of theirs as if seeing it through their eyes. 

Dire mode:   When she is in great amounts of stress, her powers will trigger a distress signal that will either go to the person she’s thinking of, or to the closest person in proximation to her. 

Force Fields: She can cloak herself in a solid, transparent forcefield. The forcefield lasts longer the more emotional she is, however it directly pulls from her emotional energy, thus exhausting her quickly. Though much less frequent now, sometimes a certain phrase, name, or visual will end up triggering her forcefield. When this happens it can launch her forward or backward depending on what objects are near her, and she has no control over it.  


Levitation: She can lift smaller objects with her mind, which she often does when baking. Almost never used in combat as it requires calmness.


Fire Abilities:

These powers were inherited from her father Asher, and were honed at a young age. She uses these quite frequently and will usually breathe fire on stage to enhance a performance. Her fire is centered in the breath, left arm, and right leg. Out of all of her abilities, she has the most control over these, and will use these both in combat and in general uses(starting campfires, lighting a dark tunnel, baking, etc).

Special Ability, Darke Fire Scalpel: When both her fire and psychic abilities are combined, she can wield a blade of black flame on her left arm like a Tonfa. This is only used in dire situations, and can cut through anything. She can not use it in rain, and if hit with any water, her entire arm goes numb. If she gets hit enough times while using the Darke Fire Scalpel, she could lose complete movement in her arm.  

Generic Info

Skills: Great baker, talented singer, great upper arm strength, good at crocheting. 

Personality: Kinja, despite all she's gone through, is a ray of sunshine with energy to spare. She loves to work and help out her friends who she is fiercely loyal to. She's a bit reckless and will often jump into a situation without thinking twice. She's still fairly innocent, and innuendos/flirting goes right over her head. When she is upset, she talks very formally as if she swallowed a dictionary. Her anger spiking is enough for her to punch a wall, but she rarely ever gets angry. She gets lost in thought easily and becomes clumsy. 

On stage as Senna, her personality shifts a tiny bit. She is much cooler, confident, and quite a flirt. Her bandmates even were shocked when they saw how she was in real life as opposed to her stage persona. 

Strengths: Great upper arm strength, great impulse planner, excellent hearing

Weaknesses: bad short-term memory, freezes up when she sees swords(PTSD from seeing her brother killed), weak hip despite strong legs so when she's down, it takes a long time to get back up. She can’t cook actual food to save her life. 


Full Timeline-

Brief synopsis- Kinja and her twin brother kane were heirs to their small village, and lived a fairly happy life with their mother and father. They were childhood friends with Henry the Armadillo and often would play Knights and Dragons, more often than not Kinja fighting over wanting to be the dragon but being stuck as the princess in distress. Her mother always laughed and encouraged it, saying Kinja was a princess but that didn't mean she couldn't still be fierce like a dragon. When the Eggman Empire attacked the village, the twins were urged to leave without their parents and try to find Sonic/the Freedom Fighters. Kinja, being incredibly stubborn, ran back into their house as it went up in flames to grab some of their items/memorabilia including some of their parents' clothes,  a photo of the four of them when the twins were 5 years old, and her brother's sword. They ended up finding Knothole and were taken in by the Freedom Fighters. The twins learned some combat skills, and Bunnie taught Kane how to braid Kinja’s hair, thus her iconic hairstyle was born. 

When they were old enough, the twins formed their own small freedom fighter's unit with fellow orphans Miki and Rini, and would help house refugees and get them back on their feet. Around age 16, they were on the beach when Kinja nearly drowned and Prince Sirk Eravil of Mythiria saved her. Indebted to the prince, she offered him a room at their house and slowly fell in love with him and his lies. On Kinja's 18th birthday, Sirk proposed and asked her to come back to Mythiria with him, and she said yes. That same day, Kane found out the truth about Sirk’s grim reason for being on Mobius, and told Kinja that she absolutely cannot marry him, thus starting a fight and ending with Kinja storming off. Ezrya was conceived that night. 

Kinja was at work when Kane picked a fight with Sirk and a big battle took place. Kane thought that the only way to protect Kinja was to get her to hate Sirk, and the only way that would happen was if Kane died at his hand. Kane skillfully maneuvered his sword into Sirk's hands and plunged it through his own heart, and Kinja saw Kane's final breath. Not realizing that it was a setup and that Sirk actually did not kill him, she instantly hated Sirk. She still does not know the truth and still blames herself for her brother's death.

She went into hiding for a year, back to Knothole where the freedom fighters again took care of her. She found out she was pregnant with Sirk's child, and they helped her through the pregnancy and suggested that she finds an alias/alternate identity to keep her safe when she goes back home. She discovered what she wanted to do when she went to a concert with her childhood friend Henry, to support their close friend Savana. Savana ended up having a breakdown on stage, and Kinja ran right up to comfort her and help get her back on her feet. Ultimately, Savana decided to go to rehab and cancel all of her gigs. Henry suggested that Kinja take her place, seeing as he heard her sing to her child, and Savana insisted that be the case. Kinja agreed, and realized she loved to perform, thus her stage persona came to be. 

After having Ezrya and leaving her at the stoop of an orphanage, she returned to the real world as Senna Marie Stone, and did a few solo gigs until she recruited bandmates Faye, Cher, Lyra, and Remi. Clokwork Penguin was formed and became a huge sensation around Mobius as a symbol of hope.  

Around age 23, Kinja started working part-time at a cafe that specialized in gourmet pastries and wedding cakes. One day she was catering a wedding, and her boss(who drove the truck with the wedding cake and cupcakes) had another obligation and had to leave Kinja there. The bride insisted on Kinja staying for the reception, and so she did, and ended up meeting and helping the food caterer, Caleb. They made small talk and got to know each other briefly, and even danced together. Caleb noticed she was stranded there and offered to drive her back home. Kinja ended up leaving her phone in his car, which led to another meeting, and soon the two started dating. They are still together now.

(Note to self, add stuff about Korinne and Radio)

Fun Facts: She cannot wink, is really good at DDR, her favourite food is Japanese style curry and favourite drink is apple cider, her favourite dessert is Japanese style strawberry shortcake but she can't eat it often due to her lactose intolerance, can't read sheet music but has an excellent ear and can learn any song after hearing it once.

Likes: Performing, going on adventures, the beach, making people smile, baths, music(preferably symphonic metal, bubblegum pop and Finnish rock/folk), craft fairs, book stores(for the atmosphere), blowing bubbles, herbal tea(the fruitier the better)

Dislikes: Reading, horror films, country music, waiting, tomatoes(raw/cooked, but loves marinara sauce), thunder/rainstorms, being short, losing games, loud noises when she doesn’t know where they’re coming from, 

Stats: (Add other stats for skills not mentioned! (Piloting, Engineering, etc.)

  • Speed:  4/10
  • Physical Strength:  11 /10
  • Emotional Strength: 5/10
  • Fighting:  7/10
  • Firepower:  9/10
  • Intelligence: 3 /10
  • Endurance:  7/10
  • Courage:  8/10


Speaking Voice- Luci Christian(reference: Duck from Princess Tutu and Uraraka from My Hero Academia when Kinja, Cassa from Black Blood Brothers for Senna)

Singing voice- Charlotte Wessels from Delain

Theme song: ??

Fight theme: ???

Fun facts:

~After Kinja and Kane fled to Knothole, Kinja's already long Hair grew down to her feet and she kept tripping over it. Bunnie taught Kane how to braid her hair, and Kinja's signature braid was born.

~Because of this, in any AU that doesn't include the freedom fighters, she either has long hair or a loose ponytail.

~Kinja is still in love with Sirk, but has learned to let it go and accept that they weren't meant to be. She is still under the impression that Sirk killed Kane. 

~Senna came to be when Miki overheard Kinja singing to herself, and suggested that her alias be a rockstar. She loved the idea of creating a character and has a lot of fun acting.

~Kinj can't draw well, but that doesn't stop her from making silly crayon pictured of her friends/drawing with Radio.

~Kinja has to me reminded frequently to take her contacts out before going to sleep.

~She sleeps with a plushie of sorts. 

~One time backstage, Lyra accidentally called her mom. Kinja (still in her Senna getup) started bawling her eyes out and everyone was surprised. That was the first time she broke character.

~Kinja DEFINITELY lets Lyra call her mom

~No matter what mood she's in, if she hears music, she will dance.

~She prefers herbal tea(fruity blends/hibiscus are her favourites) to coffee, but when she does drink coffee, 2/3rds of the cup has to be dairy-free whipped cream.

~Her bandmates, even after she left the band, still call her Senna.

~Kinja grows her own strawberries and mint leaves.

~She makes strawberry lemonade and uses them for baking, and makes strawberry mint lemonade once a year on the hottest day of summer as a treat.

~She cries very easily at movies(especially animated ones and/or stories about siblings)