
Name: Kano

Species: (Alpha) Shadow Direwolf of Light

Pack/Allegiance: Cursed Forest Pack

Gender: Male

Age: 20 in human years

Abilities: Able to summon balls of light that is hotter than regular fire (also appears white). Can blind enemies, summon halos that are also hotter than regular fire, the rest is a WIP.

Personality: He is able to charm and deceive others. His real motives are always hidden and likes to toy with enemies to make a fool out of them. He does show weakness, or let others know what bothers/upsets/angers him. He tends to make jokes to annoy others rather than trying to be funny. He does not like weak Direwolves just like any other alpha, and will cast them out for banishment as well. Kano is often sarcastic, deceitful, sinister, and comes off as shady to others.