Bastard Red



3 years, 8 months ago


Color: Bastard Red
Name: BastardRedRat
Godly Aliases: Green Devourer, Flytrap, Corpse Flower
Pronouns: it/its, they/them
Moral Alignment: asshole chaotic neutral

Color Rank: Cryptid
Color Group: -

Allegiance: GreenRat’s Mischief


God of: Carnivorous Plants
Symbols: Gluttonbloom, any carnivorous plants, bones entangled by vines
Sui Generis: Flower Devour
Description: The user can summon plants that they have full control over, including imbuing their will in those plants and telling them to attack a specific target. These plants entrap their target, and drain their life force upon command. This can be anyone that comes in contact with the plant or only specified people. It’s usually vines, mosses, or flowering plants, but any plant that the user has familiarized themselves with can be summoned. The plants are highly resistant to fire, but controlling them becomes more difficult the further they are from the user, and if the user doesn’t command them then they lay dormant and don’t drain life force. Though the user can imbue their will in the plants, their will fades from the plants within a few days, so this is only useful for setting traps and snares.
Magic Weapon: A whip made of wood with a body of tightly-interwoven vines. The vines can unfurl to

Patron Of:
* Name - Gift


Personality: They take after RedRat in their domain of violence, but after GreenRat in their connection to plants and nature. Rude, class clown with an obnoxious sense of humor. BastardRedRat loves to wrestle and fight, and lives for slapstick humor. Their favorite “prank” is sneaking up behind another color rat and biting them, usually on the tail, or getting someone to stumble into their vine traps. They say whatever comes to mind, but given their habit of insulting and teasing people, it’s usually not very nice. They tend to shrug off any insults or criticisms levied at them, and not much offends them. Unluckily they sometimes forget that not everyone has as thick skin as they do.
They have no attention span and tend to lose focus and doze off, or literally forget they’re talking to you and interrupt with their own thoughts. The only thing that actually gets them to calm down is plants, especially their plants. They have a garden of carnivorous plants in their corner of GreenRat’s nest, including ones that have long-since evolved or died out, and plants that have yet to evolve. If you stumble into their garden and ask about any plant there, they’ll talk your ear off about their “babies”.
If you wanted to be friends with BastardRedRat, and you got along with their rude and hot-blooded temperament, you’d have a wonderful fightbuddy on your hands. Though they’re more of a fair-weather friend because of their short attention span, and the fact that their advice for your personal problems tend to range between “buck up and do it” or “go beat someone up, I’m sure it’ll work out”.

History: During a battle between the Red mischief and the Green mischief, the godly magic reacted in... unexpected ways. From vines bathed in fire yet not destroyed, from entangling stems engorged on violent magic that grew on scorched earth, a new god was born.
BastardRedRat originally had the appearance of a simple red color group, but their mane eventually blossomed into bright greens and their powers inclined towards GreenRat’s domain. So they moved in among the Green mischief, as they felt more comfortable growing and tending to plants among the jungles of Green territory. Not only that but it was easier to cultivate their own territory and respect among GreenRat's mischief- growing a garden is far easier in naturally fertile soil than in a rocky lava-land. Thus they found their inclination towards carnivorous and predatory plants.
It’s thought that they combine the ruthlessness and quiet ferocity of nature and green life with the destructive and lively nature of fire.

Voice Claim: ???
Theme Song: ???


  • Various types of carnivorous plants can be found sprouting in their mane fur.
  • The Green section of the palette has patches of carnivorous and life-draining plants, BastardRedRat's "territory". Similar plants can be found dispersed throughout the land. Sometimes they'll hang out near those spots and wait for an unwary god to stumble into them so they can ensnare them. Green color groups and others dwelling in the Green region of the Palette have long since learned to avoid those spots, but travelers do stumble into them, much to BastardRedRat's amusement.
  • BastardRedmancers are quite rare, but despite their patron’s domain, they can have an inclination towards fire magic instead of plant magic.
  • Though the clash that birthed BastardRedRat was alluded to in the Vade Mecum Iridis, their presence was not known to Xierans as a whole until a botanist was nearly devoured by a particularly large tangle of Gluttonbloom. That botanist would survive, though they should've by all means been dead and go on to be the first BastardRedmancer.

“In theatre lighting, a bastard color is a color, typically in a color gel, wherein the predominant color is blended with small amounts of complementary colors; for example, a "bastard orange" gel would produce predominantly orange light with undertones of blue. Bastard colors appear warmer and more natural than pure colors and are used to replicate natural light.” 

BastardRedRat is the god of carnivorous plants. They have spiky fur and a wild, unkempt appearance, sporting tall sharp ears and huge fangs. Though they are predominantly red, the mane that runs from the top of their head to the base of their tail is green, and their magic is plant-based. Great vines sprout from their back on command, which they use as extra limbs.

Gluttonbloom is BastardRedRat's sacred plant. Gluttonbloom is a flowering vine with spade-shaped leaves and red flowers that resemble maws and typically grow on the very end of the vines. some of its vines wrap around and climb up things to access sunlight like any normal god-fearing plant, while others more-or-less remain "loose" and dangle/lay on the ground
they normally grow in tropical environments, and if something living comes into contact with a gluttonbloom's leaves, its "loose" vines wrap around the creature, and then the flowers snap closed on whatever the vines entangled and digest it.
luckily since Xierans give a shit about the environment, gluttonbloom is rarely taken from its natural habitat unless in carefully-controlled environments for laboratory study. in its natural habitat it does have predators, but if allowed the living space, it can grow big enough to ensnare and devour a human