


3 years, 7 months ago









Dealer's Hand







Relationship Status




Personality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ante odio, malesuada nec rutrum sit amet, egestas quis enim. Vivamus vel ornare magna, viverra congue augue. Vivamus erat tortor, interdum non sem in, rhoncus pellentesque nunc. Pellentesque sed eros vitae justo lobortis imperdiet id eu dolor. Proin efficitur felis ac commodo congue. Vivamus quis lectus nibh. Sed lacinia odio eget dolor viverra mollis. Suspendisse ultrices auctor neque at efficitur. Nam sed mauris mauris. Aenean massa enim, aliquam ac sapien in, rhoncus tempor magna. Donec eget quam nec felis ornare mattis. Duis semper euismod tellus ut ullamcorper. Fusce et velit et enim commodo lobortis vitae ac mauris. Nulla non enim vitae ipsum consequat tristique.

Unique Magic Vivamus fermentum dui ex. Nulla mollis lorem quis velit viverra, a convallis nunc venenatis. Aenean a eros justo. Nam in nibh sed ipsum volutpat lobortis in sit amet ex. Aenean faucibus dignissim iaculis. Nam efficitur mi sed nulla porta, eu vulputate massa convallis. Aenean ut ipsum a erat lobortis auctor. Vestibulum imperdiet imperdiet lorem non tempor. Cras convallis imperdiet lectus, nec varius est maximus a. Aenean quis lectus eu justo hendrerit auctor. Ut consequat id justo eu tempor. Aenean a eleifend tortor, a eleifend lorem. Vestibulum quis sodales erat. Nulla sit amet volutpat neque. Praesent ligula magna, ornare ac tempor a, convallis eget ex.

trait trait

trait trait

trait trait

trait trait

trait trait

trait trait


Born and raised in a research lab, "Amaris" or also known as A38182, had never known what it was like for children like at a young age to experience the outside world during her time in the lab. Her only world was the dome like structure made to represent the sky when in reality was just another way for the scientists to observe her and the other children. As a demi-god, A38182 showed promised to the researches goal of immortality and expandable knowledge from her results of manipulating the particles of whatever she touched and changing it to something else entirely. A38182 was never close to the other children in the facility as she knew they'd eventually disappear just like the rest of the countless children they were experimenting on alongside her, until one day she befriended a new doctor who was introduced to the facility. The doctor was always kind and took extra care into helping the children after their experiments were done for the day. The doctor was especially kind to A38182 and decided to name all the children giving A38182, Amaris. Her newfound hope was placed into the doctor as it seemed more than likely that the experiments will finally be over and there would be no more killing of innocent children until one day, things took a far dark turn... The doctor suddenly began to take children into their lab to then never return back from. It turned out the secret was to bathe in the blood of youth in order to gain immortality... Amaris was furious from the newfound knowledge but before she could do anything, the doctor stabbed her in the back and dumped her body with the rest of the children leaving her for dead. During her final moments, Amaris reached her hand out hoping that someone, maybe even the doctor, would save her. But no one came... did she waste her days in a facility for nothing? She believed it was the end for her, but she regained her strength as she believed there has to be someone willing to remember everything that happened in the facility and take matters into her own hands. She then proceeded to heal her wound using her magic to stop the bleeding and even stitch it. Her miraculous recovery even impressed her inner thoughts but she still had more to do, stop the doctor. Amaris created a way for her to get into the doctors office within a matter of seconds but before she could do anything the last thing she remembers was a large blast and a portal being opened. A familiar figure stepped in never to be seen again...

Amaris woke up, alone, on a beach where she was found by rescuers and realized she was finally outside in the real world. Not locked up into a cage to be obsereved like a rat. Her first tears of joy were at that moment when she finally saw the sea after 15 years of gruelling experimentations done on her and countless others. She realized as she walked along, she was finally all alone. But with no cash, no home, nothing to her name excpet the clothes on her back. A brokie some might say, but up the road there it was. A casino waiting to be played at by a future master and gambling addict. Luckily for her, it just so happened to be her lucky day.

Design notes

Her hair is a curly bob ! Should be strictly right above her shoulder, nothing too long

She has two extra bows on her left side while having two frontal bang bows on both sides

She does have black sclera! She also does have glasses but feel free to remove those!

She has three eyes above her right knee and above her garter strap

Her dress is mainly of a black cat feel free to simplify or add onto it as it is a simple sailor dress!




The possibility of losing it all





Others telling her what to do

Her glasses being foggy



Her Unique Magic is also called "Dealers Hand" based off of her nickname

She can have her sclera black or white when using her magic

Amaris is banned internationally from casinos so she uses a different alias each time until they catch her, too bad they don't take away her earnings...

She's as flat as a boa- "Hey!!! That's confidential information that I am NOT willing to share!"

The flytraps in her hair DO bite so be careful!

Amaris holds Tarot Card readings on the weekends mostly for close friends if they are interested

The name Amaris was given to her by someone she believed was a friend while in her days of being in a research facility

Amaris has a scar on her back due to being stabbed before



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