


3 years, 11 months ago


Fandom: Wings of Fire

My lovely Sandwing X Rainwing hybrid. She is my main Sona in the WoF fandom.

Sandwing Abilities: Warm scales, fire breath, good hearing/smell, can sustain on little food and water.
Sandwing Lacks: Cannot camouflage in sand well. Has no stinger or venom.

Rainwing Abilities: Eye color changes with mood, can mimic birds, can absorb sunlight, see's well in the dark.
Rainwing Lacks: Cannot camouflage or change scales, has no venom, tail is not very prehensile.

Personality & Bio:
Despite being raised by her Sandwing mother in the desert, she shares a lot of her fathers peaceful Rainwing ideals and doesn't have much of any accent. She also greatly loves fruit and sunbathing. She is a very friendly and easy going dragon and is pretty chill with anyone she meets. She has an animated and charismatic personality and others are drawn to her. She makes friends easily, despite her odd appearance. She always ignored any hybrid remarks, and just lives each day to its fullest. She often visits both the desert and the rainforest but has a permanent residence in Possibility. She sells fresh fruit in the market that she grows herself in her greenhouse, alongside desert gems and stones she collects. She doesn't tell anyone but she secretly sings and loves music. Her name, Yucca, is a type of desert plant. Unusual but it suits her.