


3 years, 8 months ago


~~~~~ short bio for her:

Name: Rosemary Wells

Gender: she/her (trans woman)

Sexuality: Straight

Species: human

Age: early 30’s (34?)

Personality: Rosemary is a kind, level-headed, introverted person who has an interest in the paranormal. She is a dedicated worker and is polite and stern when needed. She’s empathetic, but struggles with social skills. She’s also not great with parsing her feelings and gets overwhelmed easily by new things.
She enjoys people watching and interviewing, so documenting paranormal things is right up her alley.
She’s been interested in paranormal things as a kid.
She used to draw and write, but her time management has changed since then and she stopped doing both. She keeps a notebook and occasionally writes blurbs to get fleeting ideas on paper. A bit like poetry. She feels ashamed for giving up on art, writing, and music so easily. She appreciates that her husbands, Aero and Bone, are invested in hobbies. She’s happy to sit and listen to them talk about their hobbies, even being open to learning/trying what they do.

general info:

- met Aero years ago while on a paranormal investigation in northern Minnesota. Aero is an angel from the Aether and had been on earth for a few years prior to meeting Rosemary in a bar. Rosemary liked his demeanor and let him ride back to the twin cities where she lives. Over the following months, they grew very close. 

- interested in true crime/murder mysteries (Forensic files is her favorite). It can sometimes get too close to home for her though. 

- has a big extended family. She moved in with her aunt after her mom died and her dad wouldn’t take her. She has 4 brothers who all live in Maine. She moved away in her 20’s and, which is also when she started transitioning. She visits her family and stays at one of her brother’s house when she goes to Maine.

- Birthday is Sep 22, she is a Virgo

- Her mom was a practicing Christian before she died. Rosemary’s aunt doesn’t practice, so in an attempt to fit in better, Rosemary also stopped practicing. She doesn’t practice Christianity as an adult, but she still finds comfort in small things such as praying because it reminds her of her mom. She keeps a cross necklace gifted by her mother with her. Her nickname (Mary) was something her mom would call her occasionally. It’s not intentionally related to the holy Mary, but sometimes Rose’s mom would joke about that coincidence.

Design Notes:

- her shape language is a mix of squares and soft, round edges.
(her older art gives her a more angular look. It looks nice, but to help differentiate my characters better I’m trying to give her a blocker/softer face.))