Nevu The Moon Beast



3 years, 8 months ago


⭐⭐ Nevu ⭐⭐

| Demi-God | 203-years-old | 25 ft |

Nevu is a giant, fluffy beast with black fur and piercing blue eyes. On his forehead is a blue moon symbol with a single spot below, which is a birth defect (meant to appear as a complete circle surrounded with four spots). He has a set of elaborate horns that take a sort of very soft "3" shape. Nevu is a demi-god, the former and brief pet of a god that granted him divine magic. Nevu's powers include very restricted shapeshifting, telepathy (his main way of communication when in his natural form), and healing magic that is applied through tears.

Nevu lives in a large expanse of snow and ice, being extremely far away from civilization at any given time. Deep within the snow and ice of the lifeless landscape is a cave that Nevu calls home, filled with glowing blue puddles with healing properties. Nevu spends his days exploring the landscape and looking for interesting things, or making up stories to tell himself. When he gets too incredibly lonely, Nevu will take the form of a human man, going to the nearest village and interacting with the locals. He's not very welcome, but he's far more tolerated as a human than he is as his normal monstrous self.

He's a very curious and innocent sort, quite naive and silly. He's rather sweet and thoughtful when he knows to be (oblivious callousness is not outside of his capabilities), and he's incredibly caring about everyone's wellbeing. There have been a handful of occasions that Nevu has found a collapsed traveler or explorer in the snowy wasteland and taken it upon himself to save them. Nevu brings them to a warm location and helps them recover from the frigid temperatures and heal any injuries they might have sustained during their journey. Because of this, there are local legends of a strange black beast that lives in the snow, rescuing people who have found themselves unprepared for the environment. Because he's so contrasting to his environment, few people believe such a large and dark being could live in the snowy wilderness without ever been properly documented. Nevu, however, is not shy about his existence and will only intentionally hide from those he knows are a threat.