anasri vairth



7 years, 2 months ago


Anasri Vairth

Character details
space fucker, the blue one
8.7 sweeps, 19 years
5'8" (172cm)
Indigo (hex #070072)
Session [Δ-aquarii]
>> fuck you >>
Strife specibus
Sylladex modus
Mage of Space

"DT: >> wow okay dr sarcasm no need to get your osmoregulations in a countercurrent flow >>"
― anasri

Anasri Vairth, also known by their Trollian handle diatomicTransience, is one of the trolls originating from the session "Δ-aquarii". Their associated sign is Una-Symbiosis,  and they have two sets of horns - a slightly curved, pointed set on the top of their head, and a set on the sides of their head which point inwards, towards the back of their head. These are considered foreshadowing, as the horns are a symbol associated with the Duality Effect brought on by the Scratch.


The name "Anasri" comes from multiple compounds of words relating to space - "Ana" deriving from Ananke, a group defining retrograde irregular satellites orbiting Jupiter.  The prefix is also derived from "Anaphase", the third stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes move apart via spindle contraction, signifying the recurring theme of splitting that the Scratch brings. The surname "Vairth" is derived from the moon Vanth, a satellite of the trans-Neptunian object 90482-Orcus

Their Trollian handle has no correlation to their theme or symbolism - diatomicTransience is simply something they thought  >> sounded cool, or at least at the time bcs i cant change it anyway >>.

Personality and Traits

Anasri's personality is unpredictable, similar to their alter - though they are considerably more stable than their counterpart. They are withdrawn and timid, but can be very carefree and laid back around their closer friends. Allegedly, the Scratch is responsible for their erratic behaviours, as their mental health declines considerably upon entering the session. Despite being a logical thinker with a tendency to soothe others in their time of need, she is easily set off into a state of overwhelming anxiety, of which manifests in various forms - generalised, situational, and obsessive-compulsive. In any of these states they become very vulnerable, engaging in self-destructive and erratic behaviours such as hurting themselves or acting on impulse, to their own demise. In a state of catastrophe, in which they are experiencing a very severe episode, their alter Keltai may "switch out" to control the body and prevent any further harm - according to Anasri, however, she >> does more harm than good >>  explaining why their counterpart is so rarely in control.




Your name is ANASRI VAIRTH. You have taken it upon yourself to develop an extensive knowledge of science - in particular, BIOLOGY and ASTRONOMY. You sometimes dabble in the CHEMISTRY field, despite your moirail constantly reminding you that it "isn't actual science", and to "stop putting bath bombs in the sink and calling it an experiment". You tend to ignore these remarks. Overall, both you and your peers would agree that you are a VERY ORGANIZED individual. You have a tendency to rearrange things into a very elaborate and specific order, categorizing and sub-categorizing until you feel satisfied. This goes for both yours and others' belongings, even to the degree of getting EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE when your surroundings aren't sorted to your liking. Many would consider this a problem, but your friends understand that it’s something you need to do, and you are grateful that they leave you be. Sometimes intervention is required, and you’re okay with that when it’s for your own safety. Your DELUSIONS can get the better of you sometimes, so it’s good to have a voice of reason on hand whenever possible.

 All of that aside - when you aren't studying for your biologist's apprenticeship, of which is guided by your moirail, PROXIA TYRHAN, you often like to spend your freetime on the internet. In particular, you like talking to your "fellow comrades", as you call them, on the most unstable client known to trollkind - TROLLIAN. Your username, or "trolltag", as it is more commonly referred to, is diatomicTransience. You have a small circle of friends that you've accumulated from this chat client, including Proxia. He's pretty important in your life, as you are in his, and you get along (reluctantly) well with one another. You see him as an older brother, and treat him as such - i.e. annoying him endlessly, inconveniencing him and being a semi-decent (the term is used loosely) friend on the rare occasion that he needs it.

 Anyway, what were you even doing? You completely lost track of things once you started off on that tangent. Loser.

What will you do?







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MOIRAIL - Proxia Tyrhan








Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.


  • They are a Prospit dreamer, however their dual personalities allow them to wake up on either moon.
  • Their planet is LOSAS, Land of Sky and Stardust.
  • Their Godtier wings resemble a Madagascan Sunset moth.
  • They have a Grimdark form.
  • they are this vine
  • Their EZ sign would be SAGIGO.