Sweet Tea



Sweet Tea is a delightful and unique Rito with vibrant yellow and white feathers, resembling the majestic beauty of a cockatoo. Her appearance is eye-catching, but it's her personality that truly sets her apart. Kindness and sass coexist within her in a charming harmony.

Her kindness is like a warm breeze on a spring day—gentle, comforting, and uplifting. Sweet Tea has a genuine affection for others, always eager to lend a helping wing or a sympathetic ear. She often goes out of her way to make those around her feel valued and supported, proving that true kindness comes from the heart.

Yet, hidden behind her sweet exterior lies a sassy streak that adds an amusing twist to her interactions. With a quick wit and a knack for playful comebacks, she can expertly dish out light-hearted sarcasm. Sweet Tea's sassy remarks are never hurtful; instead, they're accompanied by a mischievous glint in her eye that lets everyone know she's just having fun.

In times of adventure, Sweet Tea's kind nature shines even brighter. She's the first to offer encouragement and support to her companions, always ready with a word of comfort or a clever solution to a problem. Her sassiness, on the other hand, often serves as a way to lighten tense situations, making her a valued member of any group.

Sweet Tea's friendships are genuine and long-lasting. She's loyal to a fault and would go to great lengths to protect and uplift her loved ones. Her unique blend of kindness and sass creates a memorable and endearing character that leaves a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to cross her path.