Aiken Dune



3 years, 11 months ago


Lord Aiken Dune
22 Moons
July 11, 2023
Oriental Shorthair
Heir of Dune's Hold
Trans Male
Aiken is the Young Lord of Dune's Hold, only remaining son of Lady Kiera Dune, the current head of house. He is a trans tom, and the secondborn son, only now having become the heir due to his brother and father's untimely passings. Lord Aiken Dune is betrothed to Prince Tobias Blythe-Calder of F'allis, a secondborn son as well, and not an heir to the throne for the moment at least. There is malcontent with the arrangement, but given the refusal of Princess Pharaoh to marry the brother of her deceased finace, there was little anyone could protest. Add on that they couldn't biologically reproduce, Tobias was the clear answer to the question. Aiken is not the most satisfied with the pressures he bears, but he tries to bear them with his head held high.
Aiken is a kind, well intentioned tom, who is dutiful and brave in the face of adversity. He does not run from his fate.
LIKES: Aiken is a young, energetic tom who enjoys most of the activities young toms enjoy- horse riding is a particular favorite, as is sparring with swords. He is used to and enjoys the heat as well, and actively seeks out the company of the commoners.

DISLIKES: Aiken dislikes isolation and the quiet. He surrounds himself with noise and company because of this. He also is no fan of the cold, nor the concept of overworking one's self just because they feel obligated. He tends to avoid overworking with regular breaks to engage in hobbies.
Year One

Aiken was born to a small but loving family in Dune's Hold. She was a singleton, as her brother had been before her, but Zora was excited to have a baby around to play with on his visits home- as he was a ward, in F'allis. Because of the business of running the hold whilst her husband played war games, Lady Kiera handed Aiken off to a wet nurse after she had physically recovered enough to return to work.

Miss Lyre fed Aiken and did most of the raising of her during the day while Lady Kiera worked. She played with her, sang to her when she put her down for naps, and to this day Aiken holds a strong affinity for her.

News came eventually of exciting news- Aiken's big brother was returning home for a visit. She was only 2 moons old at the time, but was so excited to meet her brother. He too was excited to meet his new sister.

Aiken was only 3 moons old when her brother left from his visit. Young Lord Zora Dune was 12 moons old at the time, and promised he'd return soon to the upset child before him, putting on a brave face as he left everything he'd ever known once again.

As Aiken grew more independent, she began to visit both the Council Chambers and other proceedings, but also training with her father Lord Azazel. He seemed to enjoy his child much more now that she could walk, talk, and hold a sword properly.

Aiken began to feel uncomfortable with herself when she was around 8 moons old, and she couldn't get anywhere asking Azazel and Kiera about it, so ultimately the young cat went to Miss Lyre. Her childhood caretaker and occasional babysitter helped parse through her feelings until they got to the root of the problem.

Aiken was a he, not a she. He felt like a boy, like his brother. When he told his parents, they were very supportive, and frankly, Azazel seemed deeply pleased with himself and the circumstances. Another son to train in swordfighting and horseback riding, instead of needlework and polite etiquette.

Young Lord Aiken made his first friend during this time- another young tom, a squire in training to be a knight named Rey. Aiken and Rey sparred together and generally was eager to spend time with him. It was a great, loyal friendship.

Eventually, Aiken's birthday approached, and he turned a year old.

Year Two

Aiken's 18th moon eventually came around, and he was quite the skilled horseman and swordfighter. He, however, unlike Zora, had never had his magic present- and his family was forced to accept that Aiken was likely magicless. A lovely coming of age ceremony was thrown for him, and he was celebrated... though he missed Zora's absence greatly.

Finally, when Aiken was 20 moons old, Zora returned on his coming home journey before the wedding. It was a trip to show Dune's Hold how happy he was, that he was thriving, and pleased to be married. Aiken was just happy his brother was home, and greeted him with open eyes and a great smile. They had written, but it was fantastic to be reunited.

For the following moon, they played like brothers- sparring, racing horses, wrestling. They spent most of their time together. However, that moon soon came to an end, and to make it in time for his wedding, Zora would have to leave.

Unfortunately, it was the last time Aiken would see his brother. On their return trip, accompanied by Lord Azazel, the party was set upon by a large group of bandits, and everyone was killed.

In an attempt to fix the now impossible relationship between F'allis and Dune's Hold, Aiken was chosen to be betrothed to Princess Pharaoh... except, she refused. She would not marry the brother of her dead finace. Furthermore, the king pointed out that Aiken and Pharaoh could not have produced biological kits- leaving one option that was better.

Aiken would marry Prince Tobias, the younger son of the king, still joining their families and allowing for Aiken to produce heirs for Dune's Hold as well as F'allis.

After an awkwardly tense goodbye with Lady Kiera, Aiken has just made it to Castle Sakura, where he met his betrothed for the first time. Aiken knows the rumors about Tobias- though he isn't sure he believes them- but he understood where the strangeness could cause fear. He was afraid here too- though not because of Tobias in particular, but the entire new environment.

Lady Kiera is Aiken's mother. She was a very involved mother, aside from her duties, and Aiken looks back on his childhood with fond memories. He knows she worries for him, and he is doing his best to live up to her standards and her own legacy, as well as his fathers. He wants what is best for Dune's Hold as he knows she does as well. He trusts her unconditionally, and is very sad to have had to leave her behind.
To put it simply, Aiken isn't sure how he feels about the prince. He seems terribly stuck up and closed off, and Aiken doesn't vibe with that for the most part. He understands that maybe Prince Tobias is overwhelmed with work, but he seems unfriendly and Aiken feels just... offput. He wishes there were more friendly cats in this family he's supposed to be joining, it feels wrong to be addressed by his full title by a tom he's meant to be married to soon.
From the start, Princess Pharaoh was meant to become Aiken's sister in law... he just didn't expect it to be because he was marrying her brother- and not her marrying his. He shares a grief with her that helps him feel connected, and he respects her choice not to marry him when that had been proposed. He also finds that she has a practical and outgoing style of going about life, which he enjoys. He worries, though, that he likes her more than Tobias... it only reminds him of how big a task his marriage truly is.
  • Oriental [Long, Slim]
  • Very Short Fur
  • Heterochromatic, Yellow and Blue Eyes
  • Accessories Optional
  • Loves animals, but especially horsesLord%20Aiken%202.png
  • Is a relatively skilled swordsman, fairly on par with most knights
  • He often spends time with the common people because he likes connecting with those he has power over
  • He enjoys spacial puzzles and games that require thinking and competeing
  • He is extremely hard working but often gets caught goofing off because he gets bored easily
  • He's a trans tom, born AFAB
  • Swordfighting
  • Horseback Riding and Horsemanship
  • Stargazing
  • Painting
  • Gardening and Plants
  • Puzzles and Mental Games

"Can you stand to know the truth of others if you do not know the truth of yourself? I think that just means you want to abuse your power when you can't even reflect properly and see what's hurting you. I am alone here. I can see no one except myself. I just want to share that with someone else, who sees me too."