


3 years, 8 months ago


Ace/aero, female, 15


So PB and J are the same age and live in the same city. J just moved from a small country town, and was new to the big city. He and PB go to the same school. Honestly, the first day, J developed a huge crush on PB, who was both cute and super confident. In J's town, he was a bit of an outcast for being trans, so he never told anyone at school that he was. PB and J became friends, and PB was also crushing on J. However, neither told the other and both assumed the other was straight. So PB, who wanted J to like him, decided to get a girlfriend, which he figured would make J really jealous. Of the girlfriend. So he went to one of his best friends called Starpaw and explained the plan. He went to her because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and he new that she would understand. And anyway, she was ace aero so nothing would come of it. Starpaw, having common sense, laughed at him (not in a mean way), and told him to just tell J about his feelings. PB didn't listen, and because Starpaw is a good friend, she sighed and went along with it. This "relationship" went on for a few months, during which time J felt absolutely miserable because the guy he liked was obviously into girls. Eventually, Starpaw got fed up with this and told J what was going on. Honestly, J took it pretty well and eventually worked up the courage to ask PB out. This was a success and the two soon began dating. Starpaw was just relived that she didn't have to play the part of the love struck girlfriend anymore.