Lycias Valens



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Half-elf (High Elf)




Lawful Evil


Name: Lycias Valens 

Nickname(s): Hey You, the Pretty One, Elf

Age: 25

Gender: Male (he/him, doesn't give a damn about pronouns)

Sexuality: Demiromantic asexual

Height: 5'11"

Hair: Somewhere between dirty blonde and light brown, Lycias' bangs swoop over his right eye and reach between his cheek and his chin, two short braids on either side of his temples are pulled back, kept in place with what appears to be gold coins, the rest is cut short, hanging in very slight waves to between his neck and shoulders.

Eye Colour: Heterochromatic, with the left eye a bright green and the other a darker blue

Left or Right Handed: Left

Tattoos and/or Distinguishing Marks: A thick scar on both sides of his right shoulder, obviously from some sort of piercing weapon

Education: Little to none, basically taught himself everything he knows

Phobias/Fears: terrified of rocks with faces, slight fear of basilisks

Bad Habits/Vices: only speaks up when he absolutely has to, little regard for other's moral dilemmas and emotions, will blindly follow anything Seraphine says

First Impression: A regal-looking not-quite-elf, who seems to look down on the world beneath him. He dresses very much like a rogue, though the quarterstaff and large iron symbol hanging on his hip tell another story. 

Personality: Lycias isn't very talkative, with a distrust of others and a healthy dose of paranoia colouring his actions. He's learnt to relax a bit, however, travelling with his current party, and is slowly learning how to care for others thanks to his Goddess and a certain barbarian-fighter. He's very unforthcoming about his past, only revealling that he grew up in the Underdark if pressed. Other than that, he's very awkward when he's in a situation where he doesn't have to coerce anyone to do something, and is always trying to puzzle out what the other is thinking and how he can turn that to his advantage.
