


3 years, 8 months ago



Name Sibun
Pronouns He Him
Age Unknown
Race Half Orc, Half Air Genasi
Class Cleric
S.O. Bi
Theme Link a song

Sibun was an orphan who lived in Alexandria. He with no ties to the city, he began to travel the world becoming a mini hero of sorts. Helping take care of bandits, thieves and other problems for locals. This led him back to Alexandria where he met the women that would eventually become his wife, Ann. He still traveled but now had a reason to return to his home city. His passion for helping people eventually led him to an opponent that nearly killed him. As he laid in the spot he thought he was going to die in, a mysterious voice entered his ears, telloing him it was not his time just yet. He had a calling to fulfill. And as his vision darkened he made out the faint symbol of Anubis. The last thing he saw.

Though he survived it was not without consequence. He had lost his sight. When he returned home to Ann, he started to work for the Temple of Anubis following this new calling. His second chance. This second chance led him to work with two other travelers. Aaru and Eroz as they investigated mysterious happenings in Giza. This quest guided them to a destroyed outpost, where a small undead child, named Abet. Though Abet couldn’t speak he managed to communicate to them that someone he was looking for, was in the city they they were headed too. So the three of them ventured onwards with the boy. Eventually the three of them uncovered that Abet’s (Non Undead) brother Kemes was being used by a twisted priest Neba, to tamper with dark necromancy. Though the party was able to defeat Neba and free Kemes, it was not without it’s sacrifices. During the battle, due to a miscast of magic, Abet’s undead form was turned to dust.

But something in Sibun’s gut told him that the young boys story should not end that way. Sibun never understand why Anubis gave him a second chance, and he certainly did not think he deserved one despite him trying to be a good person and help others. But this moment he understood that this is was why Anubis had given him another chance, and just this once he could do for someone else what the god had done for him. So through the act of a true resurrection spell Abet was brought back to life, not as the undead child, but the full child he once was. Though this spell weakened Sibun greatly, and it appears his adventuring days were done after that. He had no regrets on the matter. Sibun offered both Kemes and Abet a home which they accepted. Now Sibun lives out his days with his wife and his now two adopted kids.
