


3 years, 9 months ago


COMIC: My Viera Husband?!

Name J'rhori Kesa
Age 23
Species Miqo'te
Subspecies Keeper & Seeker
Height 5"3
Orientation Anyone will do
Occupation ???

J'rhori, more commonly known as Rhori, is a simple man. Rare is the moment where he is not vying for attention; even rarer does he ever get any. His big heart is in a permanent state of bleed, as Rhori's never had so much as a friend -- he wears his intense loneliness on his sleeve, and it repels people quickly, much to his confused dismay. He cannot STAND the idea that people don't like him, so he tries to be affable to everyone, but largely fails miserably.

He has a singularly terrible way with words, and manages to inadvertently offend wheresoever he goes. (i.e in the middle of an otherwise nice convo with a 20something yr old female Elezen "hey you kinda look like louisoix!" "hahah, no i dont" "yeah you do! you have the same nose and forehead wrinkles! haha crazy!")

He's absolutely desperate for love and intimacy. He's gotten to like 2.5th base but no further. Everyone always calls it quits. He falls in love with them right away and he's just gazing into their eyes like O. O and they flee

Just after he was born, his parents fled to Gridania, as their coupling was not accepted in their home fsr. However, the pair seemed to catch cold feet, and he was left at the doorstep of some traveling Halonic priestesses, a blanket and name card tucked gently into his basket. He would NOT stop crying, and once the priestesses formed a bond with him, he would only stop in their presence, so he basically strong-armed them into taking him with them. He grew up with them in Ishgard, in a nunnery officially and most decidedly NOT an orphanage, adored and cherished as their collective little boy.

With the surname “Greystone” applying to all the city’s forgotten, he bristled at the title -- he had a home! He did! But his peers didn’t like him, and Ishgard didn’t like him, no matter how much he conformed. So, after toiling at the nunnery for a few years, he is pushed out by his well-meaning mothers, and sent south to live his life. Proudly brandishing his frankensteined last name (spliced together from primary caretakers' last names Kedienne and Sosa), he forged forth into the world, only to realize no one actually cared. Naive and gullible, he gets fleeced and manipulated countless times, until loan sharks catch up to him and he is forced to flee Ul’dah.

He wears little-to-no shirt in order to be "honest about what people are getting."

  • Everyone
  • Milk
  • New food
  • Halone
  • Lying
  • Bullies
  • Social cues
  • Himself...?