Noah Edward Findler



7 years, 3 months ago


Noah is a 36-year-old male Black Horn who is of Dravielian descent. He was born in Scunara, Reshega on the 4th of May.

He is the tank/protector of the group as well as mediator. Despite being a skilled and ferocious fighter he is peaceful at heart.

His form is slow and reflects his mental state in some aspects. But this does not hold him back - it is his pace.

In his spare time he likes to craft charms and forge weapons/items. He has worked on his heavysword for a few years now.

Idyllically he could go rogue and take on the world alone but his adoptive daughter Holly pulled him away from that path.

Holly triggers some unusual responses from Noah, causing him paranoia that can bring him down but he is able to hide it.

His emotional side is certainly prominent but he has powerful reign over his feelings and rarely lets them get the better of him.