

7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




To the surprise of caregivers,  氷 appeared one day alongside subject Studii

Caretakers are uncertain of how 氷 managed to get inside the testing facility.

Thus far, 氷 has has proven complacent as long as no attempts are made

to remove 氷 from Studii's presence. Subject must not be allowed alongside

subject Whirr and Studii at the same time, as 氷 reacts negatively to

subject Whirr's high speed rotations.

Multiple attempts to remove 氷 from Studii's presence have been made,

each time resulting in the sudden freezing of the ground and air around 氷.

Researchers are unsure if this is related to ████████████ ██████.

氷 seems to speak in a language only Studii understands, but will sometimes

answer questions through blinking with its singular eye or lighting its

left (for yes) antenna or right (for no) antenna.

Paw prints of ice have been found trailing through the corridors,

implying that 氷 has been wandering freely for some time.

In spite of many attempts to contain 氷, physical attempts have

caused intense pain and sudden freezing of all all matter

that comes in contact with their form.

氷 is nearly invisible to the naked eye unless it chooses to be seen, often

appearing only as shimmering ice crystals floating in a cloud similar to

its natural form. 氷 is typically very large in size/shape, but seems to

also be able to shrink/grow at will.

Attempts are being made to study  氷 further, possibly with the help of Studii.