Alicia Farrow



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Alicia Farrow

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Demisexual

Birthday: 28th August 

Year/Grade: 2


Ability score: 5.2

Tier: High

Ability: Crystal Discharge
User can summon and cast crystals from self and move them however they want. The user, however, cannot move the same crystal again once they stop moving that crystal for 10 seconds - the crystal will stay where it is. Crystals are always of a pale pink colour, and shatters after 5 minutes or upon the 2nd impact. The user can summon crystals of whatever shape & size they desire. The amount of crystals the user can summon at a time cannot be more than quadruple the user's body mass. Passive ability: user's body is extremely flexible, tough and defensive.  


Personality: sociable, secretive, seems-innocent-but-isn't, impatient, judgemental, resilient, tidy, lazy, adaptable, deceptive, enigmatic, restrained, sympathetic, understanding, calculating, capable, charismatic, efficient, imaginative, perceptive, friendly, open-minded, ambitious, strong, creative, confident, cowardly, dutiful, unreliable, capricious, burdened, insecure


Hair colour: strawberry blonde to pale pink gradient

Eye colour: lime green

Signature colour: lime green


💖: stuff that are easy to understand, some pop music, people that don't talk back, pastel colours, spring, citrus food, sour food, being alone, quiet atmospheres, croissants, chocolate-flavoured yogurt

💔: fighting, stubbornness, pain, self-deprecating people, being controlled/manipulated or told what to do, being unable to do anything, feeling weak or helpless, smart, perceptive & clever people, coconuts, raspberries, reading, studying, any activity that takes more than 15 minutes to learn, insects (particularly ants and moths), cats, parrots

Background: Alicia comes from a family that just manages to qualify as "wealthy". She was born in France, and moved to NZ where she spent her childhood. Growing up, others looked up to her strong abilities. She was placed on a podium she didn't want. Alicia became skeptical of the structure of their society when she learned a bit of her apparently crippled older brother's suicide. She considered rebelling against it, but saw the consequences of such actions to her close friend in middle school and decided to wait for the right time. Alicia accepted that this was how life was always gonna be, so she put on a facade and socialised with others as others expected her to, while doing whatever she wanted behind the scenes. She didn't intervene in unfairness even if she wanted to from then on, because although she may have power, she is scared and cowardly. She rationalises this through the belief that it isn't enough to truly change things. It isn't worth trying to break out of the box just yet. Her parents have strong beliefs, were very judgemental and had huge expectations which had an influence on her. She became almost as impatient, judgemental, resilient and secretive as her parents were. Her parents' influence also led to her repressing herself and feeling burdened by all the expectations. Alicia rarely had to deal with fake friends, because her parent's judgemental nature helped her easily read others. 

Family: she lives with both of her parents, who are both elites. Her older sister, Jeanna, has long moved out (she's 27), which Alicia is happy about - Jeanna was rather close-minded & callous and was almost exactly like their parents in Alicia's POV. Alicia also has a deceased older brother who committed suicide before she was born. Alicia doesn't know the full details - she only has the vague idea that his name is Gabriel, and he apparently committed suicide because he was a cripple. Alicia isn't very close to her family - in fact they're rather hostile to each other (it's very vague to others though), like some sort of power battle..

Random Facts:

  • Alicia doesn't like fights because she hates wasting her energy & she thinks fights are messy.
  • She pretty much hates herself
  • Alicia wouldn't want any position in the Royals because they're just another part of a system that dictates people's thoughts and actions
  • She finds it humorous when someone else is hurt and clearly weak when she's feeling down. Then she'd realise what she was doing (because she gets too much into the act :>)
  • Alicia sees the facade she puts on like a mask
  • Alicia wants to join the authorities to take it down from the inside - or at least understand the system controlling their world better, and gain more information on what happened to her close friend and older brother.


Hobbies: acting, singing, badminton


Ethnicity: half French, 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 British

Face claim: Alicia is about 178cm tall, has curly hair (reaches halfway down her neck) that is usually let out or tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon. Alicia has tan skin, a small mole on her left cheek, an apple body shape and a triangle face shape.