


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Sasha Nicolai

Pronouns: she/her (trans, MTF)

Age: 28

Personality: cautious, always sort of on edge, nimble & quick-fingered, has a very good memory (and can remember faces eerily well), good in a fight but will avoid altercations unless necessary 

Relationships: Finn, Cliff (fellow hunters)

Background: Sasha is a demon hunter who works alongside Finn and Cliff. She is mentioned at the start of chapter 6 to be heading towards the circus and is planning to meet up with Finn, but is running late, causing him to start his investigation without her. 

Physical description: A white cat with bushy fur and blue eyes with a long scar running across her face. She wears cochlear implants in both ears (she was born with hearing issues— she’s fully deaf in her left ear and partially deaf in her right ear). She often communicates in ASL, but sometimes speaks out loud in English. She wears a black leather jacket, a purple shirt with an obscure band’s logo on the front, jeans, and a silver charm necklace.