Asdesi Dertui



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Asdesi Dertui

Trolltag: lollingJoker

Age: 6.5 sweeps

Wriggling day: April 11

Gender: Female

Blood: Rust

Sign: Arist

Height: 5'1"

Lusus: Sabertooth Chameleon

Specibus: yoyokind

Fetch modus: Lollipops

Typing Quirk: Always begins each sentence with ":P = ". Types in run-on sentences to connect each thought. Extensive use of conjunctions, obviously.

Example: ":P = So I was just thinking about what I was going to do today and I looked at the calendar and noticed that today was your birthday so I went to the mall to buy you something special but what I wanted to get you was out so I just went ahead and got you a gift card instead so like Happy Birthday!"

Interests: fashion, sneaking into restricted highblood areas or out of jail, playing pranks on strangers, making viral prank videos on GrubTube

Dislikes: her tongue becoming dry, getting caught, people who don't appreciate her humor, serious people

- Moon's out, tongue's out

- On the lookout for the next viral video prank

- Does this dress make her look fat?

- Blahblahblah, yakety-schmakety!